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Power Window Assembly For Convertible

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:26 am
by vic barone
Hi All

A little while ago i bought Chuck Hazelton's Cvt and had it shipped to Australia. I also have a restorer Sport Fury hard top that has power windows.

For those of you who might be interested I am trying to convert my manual winder windows (in the CVT ) into a power window assembly by using those from the hard top

From what I can see so far it turns out that the convertible set up is just a mirror image to that of the hard top. This together with a slightly more kinked arm. ( I have been able to make this comparison as I have a mate who is currently restoring his CVT that has the power window assembly)

I have noted that if I use the maunal winder arm with the power window assembly cog and mounting bracket I should be able to get it to work

I will post some photos to show the differences soon.

Any feed back or experiences on the matter will be greatly appreciated



Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:31 pm
by rogerh
If I read you right, you are attempting to fit a power window motors to manual tracks. A talented fabricator could conceivabely do such a thing...welding stuff, cutting metal parts, all that...I wish you all the luck!