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Plymouth Service Manual - Error?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:59 pm
by sportfury1959

I guess you have the “Plymouth Service Manual”? I stumbled over some information about the Golden Commandos of 1957-58 and 1959 that simply doesn’t match and that causes trouble in my 361 project. Please help!

In the first part of the manual, that refers to the GC of 1957-58 with 350 cui I found the following dates (page 282) about the valve size:
Intake valve: 1.95”
Exhaust valve: 1.60”

In the supplement for the 1959 model (page 33), that refers to the GC of 1959 with 361 cui I found this:
Intake valve: 2.08”
Exhaust valve: 1.74”

I checked the bore and valves on my own 361 yesterday. The bore shows that it is definitely 361, but the intake valve is 1.95” and the exhaust valve is 1.60”, just like the 350 GC of 1957-58. How that???
- Is this a printing error?
- Are the heads identical?
- Whom to trust?
