59 questions from Brett

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59 questions from Brett

Post by Faulkner »


Thanks for posting to the mailing list. I'm going to take the liberty of posting your comments here in the 59forum as well...

There's been an AWFUL lot of discussion lately on the forwardlook network mailing list about "bubble windshields" -- if you don't receive that list, go to


and subscribe. I don't know if Dave Stragand still keeps the archive updated with current emails to the list, but there are commands you can use to request the listserv to send old emails. I'm copying Dave here in case he has the opportunity to comment.

I did see discussion about one particular vendor who makes them, but some were unhappy with an embedded logo and the tinting. Best to check Dave's list.

Regarding the plaque: The rule is to not have one at all! Usually they're engraved with the owner's name. To have one untouched... Now, that's a RARE exception! BTW, here's a pic of mine:

https://59plymouth.net/faulkner/ima ... keybox.jpg

Thanks again for posting, and welcome.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: brett de la mare [mailto:brettdelamare@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 9:37 AM
> To: 59plymouth@59sportfury.net
> Subject: [59plymouth] 59 questions
> hi fury fans. greetings from australia where furys are very rare
> beasts and
> may well be worshipped as some sort of mechanical gods by aussie
> mopar fans.
> i really love this site and wish to thank dan for bringing it to my
> attention. there's a lot to inspire here.
> i have a couple of questions i hope someone can answer. firstly,
> does anyone
> know where i can get a new windscreen from, preferably on the west coast.
> secondly, i have a sport fury with a blank plaque on the glove
> compartment.
> is this the exeption or generally the rule? hope someone out there knows,
> especially about the screen. thanks, brett
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