where's everyone from?
where's everyone from?
new to the website(great site by the way), just wondering, i'm in cali now (long story), my 59' is in OK, hope to make it back to here next summer. i've been having withdrawl pains since feb '04. i guess u can't enjoy victory without dissappointment. and lord knows i've had enough of it to last a lifetime. just got the car somewhat moveable when i left. no floor, no gastank(temp using 2 gallon can in back seat). brakes were pretty bad, just upgraded to '89 diplomat cop package(11" front and rear; disc/drum) the rear hub was rusted in place so i just removed the whole axle and used the diplomat(exact replacement). whole parts car was $100 bucks. got good deal on the '59 (4 door sedan)for only $250 after some negotiations(junkyard was crushing out). car ran with few repairs(tune-up, starter, batt.). i'm thinking of putting a new hemi in it. painless wiring has electronics (computer, wiring) for a grand. might go that route if i can find a used 5.7 hemi for reasonable price. will keep yall posted when a resume work. hopefully there will be no more time setbacks and i can resume in june '06. gotta build garage first so i got my work cut out for me.
There will be no bringing her back here, I'm selling this sh**hole and buying me a condo.