Okay, I am going on record here because I can't tolerate it anymore..
"Mopar" Mel Bohnencamp is running his second essentially free advertisement for his salvage yard..you all can see he is auctioning "nothing" on Ebay, using the service rather to advertise his car parting business.
Mopar Mel was suspended from Ebay a few years ago for "shilling"..this is a practice wherein a person bids against himself in order to drive up the auction price. Mopar mel pleaded ignorance..saying in effect he didnt know that shilling was illegal. You can all draw your own conclusions.
rogerh wrote:I am prty sure that last post was sent in jest
Mopar Mel has been known to re-tag a car...turning a Savoy into a Sport Fury, as an example..
And when he sells the car you have to pay the price of a Sport Fury and a Savoy just for one car