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Trim clips

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:49 pm
by 59 plymouth sport fury
I saw a set of rear window trim clips on ebay awhile back that sold for $105. I needed these clips but was too much money for me. My son made me a set for my SF and they work great.He is going to offer them on Ebay, but we thought we would offer to members of this site first.Im not sure what he is going to charge for them. What would be fair for reproduction clips? Anyone intrested?


Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:28 pm
by Matthew Keij
Hi Chuck,

Repro's are always welcome! The price is not easy to guess.
Gary Goers had them. They we're $34 for the whole set.
A set has 16 clips.
5 windshield centre clips, 4 windshield end clips and 7 backlight (whatever it is) clips.
They we're $2.25 each. They are discontinued so I think you got something good here!

How's your SF doing? How far are you with it? Got some new pics for us?


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:23 am
by grant4405
you very seldom see window clips of any kind on ebay- mostly side molding clips which tend to be generic. i would be interested in a set -both front and back. if he has the ability to make one kind he could make them all. gary goers has the following , maybe your son could be his supplier.

Trim clips

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 8:58 pm
by 59 plymouth sport fury
Hey Matthew and Grant

At last count I counted 7 clips on the windshield and 7 on the rear glass.Car is coming along slowly.Recently recieved front and rear floor pans for drivers side and in the process of installing them now, seems the deeper I dig the worse it gets. Also just rebuilt master cylinder and acqiured a power brake booster and tank. Im also lookin for a body and paint man,which most never call back. LOL.One guy said he only paints Chevys!Ill send some new pics after floor pans are in.Congrats on your new family member.After talking to my son he said that the clips would be $20 dollars a set for front or rear plus shipping and handling to members here, hoping they will bring more on Ebay.Just remember that he is making these clips by hand and are not origanal equipment.Also when taking the old clips off we noticed that the nuts had rubber washers and there was a gummy substance between the clip and body.Our plan is to use plummers putty to insure proper sealing.

Thanks for your intrest

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:52 am
by Matthew Keij
Hi Chuck,

Good to hear your SF is doing better and better. Another one saved from the yard.
I'm interested in a set for the front and rear. I haven't seen any of these clips on my Fury.
Can't wait to see some pics. I really want to see some pics after it's painted. What is the colour it's going to be?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 10:03 am
by grant4405
i am interested in a set too. need an address and an amount so i can send you the $. my email addess is if you want to contact me off this forum. phone is 423-337-3846. any chance he would be interested in making any other kinds. pat

Trim Clips

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:13 am
by aussie59plymouth
Hi Chuck,
I am after a set of front and rear clips for my Plymouth as well. Only problem is I am in Australia. Any chance of getting a set out here? My Email is if you can help me out. Thanks Dean.

repop clips

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 8:33 am
by narleycharlie
Yes.I would also be interested in a front and rear set.Got any pictures to show off of your product? Thanks Charlie