Let's Go Surfin' Now, Everybody's Learnin' How...
Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:02 pm
Picture of people on or near the beach, or the water, in their '59 Plymouths.
All things Plymouth for 1959
Charlie" wrote:Hi Dan;
As promised. This picture was taken at my uncle's place along the inlet in Wildwood. She had about 25,000 miles on her in 1964. I will remind you; 9 passenger Sport Suburban, Golden Commando, TorqueFlite, 3.31 SureGrip, Air leveling system, MirrorMatic, AM radio, clock, inside adjustable outside mirror, and, as you can see, white walls and doggy dish wheel covers! And my parents let a 17 year old loose on the public highways with 300 Horsepower!
Just seeing this picture again made me smile!