Caribbean Blue - what color do these parts get painted?

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Caribbean Blue - what color do these parts get painted?

Post by V8PunkRocket »


With any luck, my car is off to the painters at the end of this month. I am having some trouble locating information on what color certain parts of the car are painted, especially interior parts.

My car is a 59 Belvedere 2 door hardtop, Paint Code DD, with an 311 interior code. Caribbean Blue, with a blue interior. I have a paint shop that is going to try to match the exterior as best they can (apparently no one has a paint formula for the original Caribbean blue), but I have noticed that the dash is a different shade of blue, and the kick panels are a completely different shade of blue than both the dash and the exterior. The package tray under the rear window also appears different than the dash and exterior.

For the interior, my glove box door is in good shape and can provide a sample for the dash and the paint shop can mix up the paint for the dash using that (and, of course, anything that is painted the same color as the dash).

But, since I didn't take this car apart, I don't quite know what color these parts were, and in some cases I'm not exactly sure what the parts are. I attached some photos and numbered the parts to help make it easier - can any one tell me what color(s) Parts 1 - 6 were on a Caribbean blue car?

Also, can anyone tell me what Part #6 is? I haven't a clue.

I appreciate any insight you may be able to offer! If you need any more info, I'll get it for you!
Parts 1-3.jpg
Parts 4-6.jpg
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