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2018 National WPC Meet - Chattanooga TN

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:50 pm
by Faulkner
Rick Clapham (AKA Ricky MoPar) recently attended the National WPC Meet in Chattanooga, Tennessee. There weren't any '59 Plymouths in attendance (kinda like the 2018 Chryslers at Carlisle :shock: :? - but, not like 2019 Carlisle! 8) ), but a fine showing of vehicles from Mother MoPar. Some pix are from the show itself, other from surrounding venues that Rick attended. Also posted here, is a YouTube video from the show that Rick pointed out to me, and which I gratuitously lifted.

All commentary is from Rick.

These are pix from the show itself:

Wouldn't close up for photographing..jpg
54 Imperial limo with removable post. Nicest I have ever seen - wouldn't close up for photography, though
54 Imperial limo with removable post. Nicest I have ever seen..jpg
55 Imperial Limousine..jpg
55 Imperial Limousine
57 Desoto Firesweep Shopper..jpg
57 Desoto Firesweep Shopper
57 Plymouth driven everywhere and at the 49th WPC Show.jpg
57 Plymouth driven everywhere and at the 49th WPC Show
65 Dodge with Max wedge installed.jpg
65 Dodge with Max wedge installed
Chuck's 55 Dodge with rear Air Conditioning..jpg
Chuck's 55 Dodge with rear Air Conditioning
Gorgeous 60 Imp..jpg
Gorgeous 60 Imperial
Hemi powered Road Runners.jpg
Hemi powered Road Runners
Nicest 57 Saratoga poly 354..jpg
Nicest 57 Saratoga poly 354
No 59 Plymouths showed up. Picture 57 Desoto Shopper was for sale and sold..jpg
57 Desoto Shopper was for sale and sold
Very nice 60 Belv 1.jpg
Very nice 60 Belvedere
Very nice 60 Belv 2.jpg

These are pix from other venues:

55 Desoto not at show..jpg
55 Desoto
58 Dodge at BBQ not at show.jpg
58 Dodge at BBQ
61Imperial at BBQ not at show..jpg
61 Imperial at BBQ
Anna Dodge's widow of Horace. 65 Imperial Giha built limousine. Not shown..jpg
This Ghia-built limousine belonged to Anna Dodge, widow of Horace (one of the Dodge Brothers co-founders)