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Hazard Lights

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:58 pm
by eroomas
after watching a video of a Plymouth assembly line producing 59's, I noticed that one of the cars driving off the line had Hazards on. I read my owners manual front to back and saw no mention of Hazard light operation. I assume that is because they didn't have them. Does anyone out there know what the deal is with the car coming off the assembly line? Just curious.

Re: Hazard Lights

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:17 am
by Mark Merritt
My 55 Buick has it,big red switch under the dash,it was dealer install,I have seen the video and don't know what chryslers/plymouth did back then,my rear speaker fader on the buick was also A dealer item Mark M