Are you looking for non-SF trim covers? I have two, you can have them both:
The dirty looking one may actually be better, it's just gummy sticker residue. I'll send them to you when I ship the trim.
Re: Glove box trim covers
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:36 pm
by Dick Koch
Yes Dan - I certainly am, please send to:
Let me know the shipping cost.
Richard Koch
4951 S. Kay St.
Palm Beach Gardens, Fl. 33418.
Wow, what a windfall, thanks tons, you will get extra consideration when I do your Stainless Steel trim.
Re: Glove box trim covers
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:04 am
by Faulkner
Dick, they will be on their way as soon as we find the right box to protect them! On our way now to visit with Ed Ober - meet you at his house?