Faulkner wrote:OK, I'm signed up! Who else is coming? Dick, do you have a trailer big enough for all three '59's? John, are you trailering in from Arvada this year?
It's the Tenth Anniversary Year of the '59 Plymouth Forum! Let's have a good showing at Carlisle...
(*sigh*...) Nary a reply. Gino from Lancaster, are you going? Ray Ward? Earl Hess, Ken Morton?
What to do, what to do... Since John Q. and Dick are stiffing me (again), I'm not sure it's worth the trek to Mecca. But then, I could be persuaded, if I thought another '59 were to turn up...
Dan - Sorry I missed your post in January! I want to go so bad I can taste it BUT just got back from a trip visiting family in South Carolina and am going to a family reunion in Mississippi, probably my last. No gas money for Carlisle or the upholstery for the Convert. unless I win the lottery or get a job offer, yea right! Maybe next year.
Dan Sorry about stiffing you this year (again) I will grace your steps or state again for a Carlise for sure. It was a great experience being there with you an other 59 Forum members there. I do want to haul my car out there for sure and guzzle some Pennsylvania gas and terrorize the Penn Turnpike, Hopefully that arrest warrant for speeding has gone a way! Wait that was Matthew! I only filmed his high rate of speed!
Denver 59 Fin Convert wrote:Dan Sorry about stiffing you this year (again) I will grace your steps or state again for a Carlise for sure. It was a great experience being there with you an other 59 Forum members there. I do want to haul my car out there for sure and guzzle some Pennsylvania gas and terrorize the Penn Turnpike, Hopefully that arrest warrant for speeding has gone a way! Wait that was Matthew! I only filmed his high rate of speed!
John Q.
OK, we'll catch you next year then, John! It turns out Ken Morton is going, as is Earl Hess. I'm going to go just for the day on Saturday, and meet Earl on the turnpike. I'll post some pix, fershur.
I’m watching this post since January (in fact I watch it every January) and I was already wondering why there is so little response this year. It’s already seven years since I’ve visited the Carlisle Meeting with you Ron and Matthew and I really enjoyed it!!! Every year I tell myself “This year I will go again” and then I don’t. The distance doesn’t help either. However – NEXT YEAR I will put it on top of my schedule. Good Luck to you all and have fun while driving your cars to Carlisle!