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Location of fuses for a convert 59 Sport Fury

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:16 pm
by Goauld
Hi all; I cannot seen to find the location of the fuses for my Sport Fury. I know it should be simple to locate but it is eluding me. I have removed both kick panels in the front and looked at my wiring diagrams, but the diagrams show nothing as to where the circuit breakers are just the 6 way harnesses. The only place I have not looked is the glovebox as it will not open. Knowing my luck that is where it will be. I have no headlights or taillights and my ohm meter shows the wires to be good the only thing I can come up with is my fuses are bad. new bulbs did not help either. Can anyone please give me the locatin of the fuses?
Thanks in advance

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 12:56 am
by Guest
There is no fusebox for the 59 Sport Fury convertible, or any 59 Plymouth for that matter. If your headlights do not work, the fault is most likely to be found in the headlight switch. The only fuses in the car are in line, and include radio and clock. There are circuit breakers for the power windows, power seat, and I think that is all.


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:25 pm
by Goauld
Thanks I was going nut trying to find the fuse pannel. I have a new lightswitch on the way.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 12:37 pm
by Guest
hope it does the trick..

headlight switch

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 4:19 pm
by sportfury1959
Hi Graig

If you drive at night with all lights on it may occur, that the headlight switch heats up too much and the bimetal in the headlight switch interrupts the lights. This affects front- and taillights. Suddenly you drive “blind” and if you are lucky enough you don’t hit anything or anybody. That happened several times to me as it also happened to lots of others. A new headlight switch may help but I wouldn’t trust it. A good advice to you: Disconnect the headlights from the headlight switch and connect them to a relais. Than connect the relais to the headlight switch. That way the headlight switch gets only enough power to activate the relais and doesn’t overheat anymore. Don’t become disillusioned! 


Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 5:17 pm
by Faulkner
Wow, Stefan, what a great idea -- hadn't thought of that. Do you know the current the headlamps draw? Should be easy enough to pick up a relay that would handle the current. I'm putting this on my "To Do" list! :D


Light switch

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:38 pm
by Goauld
I never thought of that I have the new switch and was planning to put it in this weekend. but now I am going to do the little rewiring trick when I put in the new switch With luck will get it right the first time and have no more isues with my lights:)
Thanks alot

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:17 am
by sportfury1959
Sorry Dan, I only know the current that we use here in Europe. When I imported the Ply I had to change all 4 headlights to European standards. We use 55 Watt on low-beam and 60 Watt on high-beam. You have to add all low-beam and all high-beam separately and use a relay for each circuit. The relay must stand equal or more Watt than you added. If you have the position- or park lights connected to that circuit than you also have to add them.

Re: fuses

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:55 am
by Nighthawk
Goauld wrote:Thanks I was going nut trying to find the fuse pannel. I have a new lightswitch on the way.
I went nuts too!! I thought "cmon,this car has to have a fuse panel"
My question is tho,how do you hook up accesorries like an after market radio or a power antenna??