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Chryslers on the Murray, Albury/Wodonga Australia - March 16-18, 2012

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:45 am
by Daniel Harris
Hi Everyone,

Thought I would share some car show moments with you all, last weekend I attended Chryslers on the Murray here in Oz, The show is held in Albury/Wodonga which is on the border of Victoria and New South Wales and is reportedly the biggest Chrysler based show outside of the USA.

As this was the first show that my SF would attend after finishing my restoration in Feb this year, I spent hours detailing in the week leading up to the show incl the whole under carriage, engine bay, trunk, paint, stainless....the lot! ....She was shinning like a new pin.

I loaded up all the luggage on Friday morning, the family all climbed aboard and as I pulled out of the garage the rain started to fall...only a light shower but rain none the less...Grrrr.
We met up with fellow Mopar enthusiasts at a location set by our car club and it was here that I met Rick Ehrenberg (Mopar action magazine) Rick was over here from the USA to run a story on the show, what a great guy and so much Chrysler knowledge!
We all set off for Albury driving up the Hume Highway and not long up the road the moisture in the air had increased from a light shower to set in rain, much to the disappointment of many, two and a half hours later we stopped for lunch in a country town by the name of Benalla, great pub lunch and back on the road, we still had an hour or so of driving to reach the destination and by this time the wipers are getting a full nonstop work out! (Found out later that the region had received two inches of rain in short time frame).
Once we had made it to the destination we checked in at the motor inn, relaxed a little and later dried the car off before going out for dinner, I was up very early the following morning (before the birds) working by torch light to polish all over and wipe clean under the car as best as possible before the judging, all went well and the day was warm and clear blue skies, such a contrast to the previous day.
Later in the afternoon on Saturday when all of the judging was complete, many cars took part in a super cruise to a great old woolshed now set up as a pub, there were Mopars as far as the eye could see, it was great to be a part of it.
The next day (Sunday) was show and shine day and the sun did shine for us again! Blue skies and warm temperatures made for a great show day, 673 entrants of both Aussie made and USA Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth, and Desoto cars of all shapes and sizes, although it was still quite wet under foot, it didn’t dampen the spirit of the show.
I was very happy by the end of the day; my SF picked up an award for Best Presented 1945-1960 car and landed a trophy for finishing in the top 5 of the show, great reward for all the work that went into the restoration.
Monday was again a beautiful day weather wise for our journey home, we loaded up early, fuelled up and hit the highway again, this is the longest trip that the car has done since I got her back on the road and she didn’t miss a beat, such a beautiful car to cruise in, as far as economy goes, I got 16.5 mpg for the trip, thought that was pretty good considering the weight that she was loaded up with! Anyhow great time was had by all, even the car! Keep your eyes open for the coming issues of Mopar action magazine as there will no doubt be a write up about the show, maybe even a pic of my car??
Until next time, safe cruzin!

Re: Chryslers on the Murray 2012 Australia

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:56 am
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Your restoration turned out super! Sounds like a great show to attend and the awards you received attest to you workmanship!

John Q.

Re: Chryslers on the Murray 2012 Australia

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:08 pm
by Ron Keij
I already saw some pics of your car after the resto and it is stunning! Well deserved awards and if you send me some more pictures I will make a webpage in the showcasse for you as a lasting reward 8) My email address can be found in my profile.

Thanks for sharing the story!

Re: Chryslers on the Murray 2012 Australia

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:02 am
by rogerh
Congratulations on making it back on the road, with your proud work of art! And to be recognized for what you have accomplished...we are all delighted for you!
Here's to many many miles of pleasurable cruisng :)

Re: Chryslers on the Murray 2012 Australia

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:01 am
by Daniel Harris
Thanks John, Ron and Roger, your comments are appreciated :) and Ron, I will send you some more photos for the showcase, cheers

Re: Chryslers on the Murray 2012 Australia

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:01 pm
by Bernie B.
The MoPar Action magazine that Daniel mentioned is out now - and the car is pictured twice, once close up, and with the promise of a feature article in the future. This is one of, if not the best, MoPar themed magazines in existence.

The magazine has a cover date of October 2012 but came in the mail a couple days ago. They have a website, and it may be viewable there as well, didn't check.

Congratulations on the coverage of your fine looking car, Daniel.

Bernie B.

Re: Chryslers on the Murray 2012 Australia

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:23 am
by Daniel Harris
Thanks for the update Bernie,
I will look them up on line and go about getting a copy :) since this story, the car has been out to another two shows over here and picked up awards at both, "Car of the show" at All American Day and "Best Eye Catcher" at Mid State Mopars, it also featured in Chysler action magazine (current edition) She is loving this being "reborn" stuff :lol:
I have been a bit slack as its now winter here but I will fire up again soon and post some info re the above soon,

Re: Chryslers on the Murray 2012 Australia

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:03 pm
by big m
Congrats, Daniel,

You've done a beautiful job in the restoration, and it really shows!
