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No spark in distributer before the coil

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:03 pm
by Goauld
I got the Starter to work on my car today!!!!! loose wires lol!!!
now on to the original problem. I have no spark at all. I have put new pionts and a new condenser in. actually 2 new sets of points and condensers. I have no spark in the distributer before it goes to the coil. I am at a loss as to why. I have never encountered this before. All the wires in the distruter are ok, all 2 of them. Anyone out there have any ideas as to why I have no spark at all. I am stumped, and have wore a hole in my hair from scratching my head at this problem.
I have hookd up the coil to see if that makes a difference but it made no difference at all.
Also I am not sure where the number one plug wire should be at on the cap I have no diagrams to show me. If any one can tell me or send me a diagram as to how the plug wires should be on the cap that would be greatly appreciated. atleast where number one should be. I can go from there. The cap that was on thee originally had no numbers on it and all the plug wires were off. Flying by the seat of my pants here. About ready to tow it to a mechanic to see what in the world is oing on with this engine.
Thanks everyone
Craig in Peoria IL

got spark now

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:58 pm
by Goauld
Got spark now but stater is bad trying to remove it and gonna get help from Ed on that thanks to all who looked and thought about my problem.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:10 pm
by Guest
how did you get spark..why is your starter at fault...give us some details!

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:43 am
by Goauld
The sparking problem was simple to fix. I had not made good contact in the distributer. While tightening the little nut where the condensor and the wire that goes to the coil connect i was twisting the contact point there and it was not making a good conection. Also I needed a new resistor or the coil.
The starter is a seperate problem. It is 45 years old and needs to be rebuilt that is happening now. After I get the starter back I should be able to get the car started.