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Newbie here from California

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:55 pm
by johndglynn
Hello, i go by the tag of johndglynn. I love traditional rods and customs, and have no use for anything billit aluminium.
I've spent my whole life building and working on old cars. Kind of a disease, some say. I currently have a '59 plymouth that i have been driving and improving for the last 10 years.
Looking forward to reading what every one is doing with their builds , and maybe i can offer some advice to the newer people in the hobby.

Re: Newbie here from California

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:36 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Hi John! Glad you can join our merry band of 59 Plymouth Pirates! Are you from SoCal or NorCal? Post some pics from your car when you get a chance!

We would always love to hear a different point of view here and you may have some car skills that we need to learn from.

John Q.

Re: Newbie here from California

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 2:11 pm
by savvy59
Hi John D and John Q.,

Welcome John - I am glad you found us on the internet. I am sure we can all learn something here. Sorry to say I do have some billet on my car but also appreciate the traditional customs of the 50s and 60s as I also have lake pipes!!! I have etched glass, loud pipes (echo cans) and pinstriping the old fashion way, along with an assortment of 50s horns; bull horn, ding dong bell, ahooga horn, siren, beepbeep, and raodway blaster horns along with an original wolf whistle...

I agree with John Q - show us some pictures when you get a chance.

Good to have you aboard.

Curt in Ellicott City MD

Re: Newbie here from California

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 3:50 pm
by rogerh
which model do you have? For how long? What condition?