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59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:04 pm
by jackfleury
In 2005, this '59 Belvedere convertible was in Greenville SC completely disassembled. The owner was moving. When I purchased it the owner had several boxes of NOS replacement parts and all parts were boxed and labeled. Since 2005 the body work, motor, transmission, brakes and many small parts have been rebuilt and most all have been reassembled.

It is 90% complete and I expect to be at WPC Annual National Meet in VT. this July.

Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:24 pm
by rogerh
Welcome Jack!
How did you find this car? Do yo have any past history on it?
Can't wait to see the pix!

Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:32 pm
by savvy59
Welcome Jack,

We hope to hear more about your car. I am guessing you are a Northeastern resident? If you need parts or advice you have come to the right place!

Bring on the pictures. There are several others on this forum restoring convertibles, I am sure they would also be interested in your restoration - and any hints/pitfalls you can pass along.


Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:17 pm
by rogerh
Jack wrote that he lives in Malone, NY, about ten miles from the Canadian border.

Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:36 pm
by Faulkner
jackfleury wrote:In 2005, this '59 Belvedere convertible was in Greenville SC completely disassembled. The owner was moving. When I purchased it the owner had several boxes of NOS replacement parts and all parts were boxed and labeled. Since 2005 the body work, motor, transmission, brakes and many small parts have been rebuilt and most all have been reassembled.

It is 90% complete and I expect to be at WPC Annual National Meet in VT. this July.
Greetings Jack (and Ellen, whom I understand posted this on your behalf). I know that you have pix to post - sorry if you encountered difficulty in posting them. I'll try to contact you in the morning and try to facilitate. We're all anxious to get a gander!


Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:04 pm
by Faulkner
Well, Ellen did send me some scans of photos today. However, they are less than perfect - I've tried to clean them up as best as I can, here they are. Ellen wrote (for Jack) on the chat:
Jack Fleury wrote:I am looking for the left side rear quarter molding trim for my '59 Plymoutn belvedere... here is the picture of the molding trim Jack needs
Here's the pic Ellen sent - can anyone determine from this pic, which piece Jack needs?


Ellen also sent me two "before" pix, but no "after":


Ellen, I'd be happy to scan any photos you have from Jack, that you would like to post - please contact me privately (you should have my email). If you send them to me, I will scan and post, and return to you promptly.


Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:03 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
It looks like either Jack needs this quilted insert piece for one of the quarters. If it is the insert piece as Ellen has stated, I guess I can measure mine and say how long it is and check the Mopar grotto for extra pieces that long to see if I can assist.

I think John Fowlie has these too, but I will check and measure what goes on my convert quarter to see what the length is.

Stayed tune....

Ok I am back, actually my strips were on top of the bookcase (tell don't tell the misses) The quarter panel strip is 82" long from the B pillar edge to the end of the swoop near the tailfins. (I will post a picture of Tom Fox's car as an example) The door insert is 48 1/2" long from leading edge to trailing edge of the door (essentially the length of the door front to back...duh on me for not figuring that out, just had to measure the door.) :oops:

With that being is doubtful I have this piece, but will root around anyhow. This is the time to call John Fowlie for his ample stock of 59 parts.

John Q.

Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:18 pm
by rogerh
I can't figure out his needs from THAT pic!
It appears as though the thinner stainless isn't complete and the wider piece is missing (are those molding clips I see?).
The (quilted) insert looks okay ~

Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:21 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Could be that too Roger, that the insert was shown to indicate what was missing above and below it. Need more info to fine tune the request.

John Q.

Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:22 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
PS, because it is a convertible I naturally want this one too! :lol:

Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:25 pm
by rogerh
I edited my previous post.

Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:43 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
OK...Now I am confused, I had to look at the picture again and there is molding there. All I saw was the insert. After Roger's edit I went back and looked again at the insert picture and there is some molding there.

So, is there a need for longer quarter panel molding then what is shown? (looks like 4 door shorter quarter molding)

I guess I need to measure the upper and lower moldings for lengths.And start looking for both the upper thicker molding or the thiner lower molding... I do have a extra set of the Belveder swoops that connect the upper and lower moldings.

John Q.

Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:37 pm
by Faulkner
An update from Ellen in Jack's Office!
Ellen Cyr wrote:He needs the left side rear quarter molding trim, I guess you call it insert because it is wide, not like a piece of trim molding that is only an inch or two. It is a thin piece of metal that is kind of bumpy, long and wide, I did have the measurements but not now. I will ask him when I call him today.
We know what piece you need now, Ellen! Can anybody out there help out Jack?

Ellen sent some fabulous pix - wow, what a beauty! I'll post tonight when I get a chance (or perhaps later in the day)...


Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:30 pm
by rogerh
A great example of how it helps to be clear and specific when looking for parts:
He needs the driver's side insert panel for Belvedere 2HT.

Re: 59 Plymouth Belvedere

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:58 pm
by Matthew Keij
rogerh wrote:A great example of how it helps to be clear and specific when looking for parts:
He needs the driver's side insert panel for Belvedere 2HT.
Or Belvedere 2dr cvt 8)