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Two 59 Plymouth's For sale in Pkgd deal Maryland
Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:42 am
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
two... yes two 59 Plymouths in one packaged deal in Maryland just hit Ebay!
Check it out! ... sQ5fTrucks
John Q.
Re: Two 59 Plymouth's For sale in Pkgd deal Maryland
Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:25 am
by Nighthawk
Good project for the right person, looks like both of these have been sitting for years........
Re: Two 59 Plymouth's For sale in Pkgd deal Maryland
Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:55 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Bob, we can sneak these across the border when no one is looking... I know a guy on the OPP who will look the other way and....
I know I am not the guy for these two bookend of plymouths but there is always someone who can save one of them and part out the other or keep both!
John Q.
Re: Two 59 Plymouth's For sale in Pkgd deal Maryland
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:09 pm
by savvy59
Well the phone numbers google as Hillsboro VA - about 20 miles from Maryland. I saw the red car about 15 years ago on the same day and same parking as when my avatar was snapped in Ocean City Maryland. It had a girl driver who was talking about her recalled wheels from Chrysler and how special it made her car. I must say the last 15 years have not been kind to that car.
I have never seen the Black car, but it shows PA plates. Well John Q - what is the real story RE: the unsafe wheels?
Well 50 degrees in Baltimore today
Re: Two 59 Plymouth's For sale in Pkgd deal Maryland
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:49 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Curt, if you are talking about the 1969 Model year Kelsey-Hayes re-call aluminum wheels, I know something about that. but if it is another recall wheel then I have no knowledge of them.
The wheels on the red 59 with the white flames stripes are Spyder wheels which did not have any recall issues. I will dig up a picture of the K-H wheels you are talking about.
here is the story about the K-H recall wheels for the 69 model year and what they look like. They have stablized the aluminum in the wheels that caused the lug nuts to loosen. They are available today as rep-pops.
K-H "re-call wheels" re-pops:
spyder wheels:
John Q.
Re: Two 59 Plymouth's For sale in Pkgd deal Maryland
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:11 pm
by savvy59
Now I know the rest of the story! Was the spyder wheel OE for any car manufacturer?
She was sure she had the valuable discontinued mopar wheels on her car.
Off Topic,
I saw a note on mini-chat that said you can talk (video-chat) for free on Skype.
I need to register on Skype, but my understanding was it did cost a minimum amount per minute of air time - am I wrong?
Re: Two 59 Plymouth's For sale in Pkgd deal Maryland
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:17 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Hi Curt, on the wheels I don't think there was a big 3 car that had the Spyder wheel as an option, but some dealers would switch them out for you. There is a Mustang optional wheel that was close in apperance to the Spyder one. I will try to dig up a picture of one.
Mostly the Spyder wheel was a Day 2+ upgrade by an owner from the standard steel wheels.
On Skype, it is free call from a computer to a computer. Only a computer to land line or cell phone cost money. My Droid X Cell has Skype capabilties but I don't want to pay extra for the phone to phone calls on it.
If your lap top or desktop computer has a external video camera ball or a built in camera already available (you can do the external video ball by buying the video ball camera as a add-on from Best Buy etc. for $40 or less) then you can Skype with Video too beside voice.Actually you if you want voice only, you can Skype that way, the video camera is not needed, but nice to have to see the other person as you talk. Dan and Ron and I, Skype to each other.
As long as you don't call someones phone it is no cost. I skype from my laptop to my home when traveling on business to save the cost of a phone call.
The software is a free download to your computer.
If you need some help let me know and I can call you and walk you thru it. PM me your phone number if you need me. Dan and Ron can help too if you want.
John Q.
Re: Two 59 Plymouth's For sale in Pkgd deal Maryland
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:04 pm
Yes, John is correct again, the Motor Wheel also had problems with their early wheels and corrected them. I believe the wheels pictures are the 14" by 6" and the centers now are worth more than the wheels. I have owned a few sets over the years.