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Door window channel questions
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:49 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Need some 59 window channel help from those who have done this before me.
There is two window channels issues I have. One is the vent window assembly and the other is the rear of the door window channel assembly. I had ordered one set (two pieces) of Gores part number C-2 which the catalog says is window channel. This piece seems to big in width for the inside piece of the rear window channel.
So I looke at the other vent window assembly and it could fit in that one if I could squeeze it in the already existing metal U shapped area in that location.
So it looks like I need to order one more set of something. In reviewing the Goers #10 catalog I should have ordered one or maybe both other set of other channel shown, C-3 and/or W120 (Division bar? whats that term mean in location?) channel.
I will take some pictures of the area's in question. And post them in a few mins....
Also, where on the door is new weather strip from Goers Part number #484 go? I don't see this small weatherstrip part on my old door... Need help with this one too! It is on page 12 of the catalog #10
John Q.
Re: Door window channel questions
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:26 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Denver 59 Fin Convert wrote:Also, where on the door is new weather strip from Goers Part number #484 go? I don't see this small weatherstrip part on my old door... Need help with this one too! It is on page 12 of the catalog #10
John Q.
Well, I figured out what part #484 does and goes to. The external weather stripping we buy for our doors is an after market weather stripping that Gary buys on a roll. So it is not the neat made for our car type of OEM part. The upper part of the inside door jamb part goes all the way up to near the garnish molding, There is a single Phillips head screw there that actually helps to terminate the glued in OEM strip. Gary's stuff does this in two parts.
The factory molding has this little rubber ear on it that the screw goes thru. The weather stripping we buy does not have this. Gary then went out and had an extention piece made that duplicates this ending with the rubber ear. This piece helps seal the complete door from wind and moisture by going all the way up to the top of the inside part of the door (latch side)
I still had my original rusty drivers door in the basement that I kept the convert glass in for storage. I had bought a replacement door since the original one was so rusty and dinged up. I went to compare this piece to the old door and it is the start (or end piece) when doing the door jamb weatherstripping. When replacing the Weather stripping you must put this piece in first and then butt up the longer run of the weather stripping all the way around the door to the top of the vent window. Should look seamless when done. I will put some vinyl glue at the joint to make sure is seals right.
Here is some pictures of the Goers piece laid next to a deteriorated original weatherstripping. Sorry the pictures are dark.
John Q
Re: Door window channel questions
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:01 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
I found out why I was having a problem with the Goers part number (or so I thought the part was..) C-2 that I had ordered and could not figure out why it would not fit. It was actually the C-3 part shipped in error!
I had to remove the the old metal U shaped channel support that was in the Vent window grove first and then it could be tapped in. This part is actually the C-3 part not the C-2. (Goers shipped the wrong part but the width of the weather channel showed what part it was. I actually needed to order both the C-2 and the C-3. But ordered C-2 but received C-3.
Goers part nbr. C-3 goes to the vent window vertical assembly part (after you remove the old metal channel part there is room) and the C-2 goes in the narrower vertical rear window run that is located
inside the door towards the inner latch mechanism. This internal window channel holder is narrower then the vent window channel. That is why it needs the C-2 Weather channel.
So, it worked out fine what I had, since it was needed anyhow. I needed the C-3 part too but had failed to order it. So in strange ways I did get the C-3 needed but now have a rush order in for the replacement narrower C-2 weather channel for the rear interior vertical run. Hope all might have learn from my adventures that there are two different weatherstrip weather channel pieces to a door.
My pain your gain!
Hope to get that this week in time for the weekend door assembly finishing. Handles and door latching mechanism are on both doors and one vent window in. Looking better with the handles and key cores in! Need to transfer over the convert door wedges too from the rusty old doors. Once I get the vent windows in on the drivers door then I can finish the external door weatherstripping from the top of the vent window down and around the bottom of the door up to the latch mechanism.
John Q.
Re: Door window channel questions
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:20 am
by Ron Keij
Isn't Gary the best, he knows what parts you need before you do
He did not ship C2 right away because he ran out of them and was awaiting a new shipment. In the meantime he did keep you busy didn't he
Re: Door window channel questions
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:16 am
by rogerh
John Q,
Are you related to the guy who wrote the classic "Who's On first?" routine for Abbott and Costello?
Re: Door window channel questions
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:29 am
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Roger, Sometimes I think that way! Good analogy of my escapades with the window channel. Since no one had answered me request and thirst for knowledge about doing the window channel replacements... I had to discover for myself why things were not working for me. did not help that the wrong part was sent to me. But a part I ended up needing.
Sometimes I have great conversations with myself out in my garage. Time to take my medicine!!!
John Q.
Re: Door window channel questions
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:33 am
by rogerh
LOL! Someday I gotta meet you in person, John!
Re: Door window channel questions
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:37 pm
Re: Door window channel questions
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:42 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Roger, You will be disappointed just like Ron, Dan and Matthew were this summer! They could not wait to have me fly back to Colorado.
Ron and Matthew would say things in Dutch, point at me and shake their collective heads! Dan tolerated me because of my Flipper routine in the 50 meter oval above ground pool he has! And my love of Beagles helped!
John Q.
Proud owner of a Belveder Convertible!!!!!
(only because I can't afford the SF convertibles)