Sonic Drive Inn, Hainesport, NJ - September 2, 2010
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:20 pm
by Faulkner
OK, so it's not a '59...
Ken Morton wrote:Another Car Show and another trophy. This time it was the 66 Imperial Convertible. Received Thursday 9/2/10 at Sonic Drive Inn, Route 38 Hainesport, NJ The place was just about out of space. Many more cars than they estimated. We saw only 4 Trophies so we both figured it was a nice night anyway. The Imperial won Best Mopar of the show. I not sure it was the Best. Maybe the longest and heaviest. We gladly accepted anyway.
Ken & Nancy
Re: OK, so it's not a '59...
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:34 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
I would think that would be classified as best "Land Yacht" award! That is 2 tons of Detroit Steel! (Jefferson Ave. Assembly)
John Q.
Re: OK, so it's not a '59...
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:40 pm
by Faulkner
Yeah. And, BTW - Go Phils!
Re: OK, so it's not a '59...
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:19 pm
by 59$avoy
Re: OK, so it's not a '59...
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:11 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Dan, please, we are trying to talk Cars here!! No one is interested in some minor league team called the "Phil's".
PS we swept the Reds today! Stole home to win it in the ninth! Go ROCKS ! Opps my bad...
John Q.
Re: OK, so it's not a '59...
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:54 am
by savvy59
John and Ken,
I agree, nice land yacht! I drove a '76 Thunderbird and it felt the same way. We also owned a '70 Chrysler Newport that would qualify as a land yacht - just not as much chrome!
Re: OK, so it's not a '59...
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:56 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Curt, C and D body converts are great! I have always liked the 69 Chrysler 300 Convert since I was a wee lad growing up in the Detroit area.
A neighbor had one and I wanted it badly but I was still to young to drive (1971) and had no money either! A chronic dailey double situation that haunted me in my youth. (only the money part in my waining years...)