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Gary Goers

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:20 pm
by rogerh
I placed a small order ($20) with Gary Goers, using Catalog #9. I got a call from a woman at his shop today, telling me I didnt send enough money, but she said she'd send it anyway, with a balance due, and a current catalog. Whoops on my part, and thanks to Gary and his help for trusting me :) .

Re: Gary Goers

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:49 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Roger, is catalog #9 still the current one? Where you off on the shipping costs or the individual part prices? I guess it best to add 10% to the order and have it refunded to you after overpaying.

John Q.

Re: Gary Goers

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:03 pm
by rogerh
She didn't specify which costs had changed.
I used Catalog #9, of which the cover is hot pink, I see now that it was written in 2003.
I remember I had another catalog of his which was bright yellow, seems like it was #10. Ron Keij posted the GG catalog online, but I didn't go looking for it when I placed my order. Shipping was a minimum of $5.00 on the out-of-date order sheet I used, and he writes that "UPS and USPS keep changing their rates, so I'll bill you if the shipping is more."
I'll let you know more when I receive my order (two hood snubbers and two sunvisor hooks for convertible).

Re: Gary Goers

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:10 pm
by Faulkner
Here's the latest GG catalog (#10):



Re: Gary Goers

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:55 pm
by rogerh
Based on new catalog, here ae the differences:
hood snubbers used to cost $1.60-1.75, now 2.35-2.45
convertible visor hooks used to cost 5.75, now they are 8.10 (hope these dont strip out and break like the previous ones)
shipping minimum is still $5.00

Re: Gary Goers

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:35 pm
by kenmorton
The greatest people in the business. I fax'd my first order and within a few days received my parts and the invoice for the balance due. I sent the check that same day. Fax'd my last order, and included a photocopy of the check. Same thing. The parts were received before the mail could have ed him.

Wish we had more people like Gary.

Ken Morton
59 Fury 4Dr Hdtp