Plymouth Owners Meet in Portland Oregon, June 19, 2010
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:37 pm
WEll, I made my road trip, longest one for me since 2004. Drove to Portland, OR to get in on some of the activities of the POC's National Meet. Tom Fox was there, with both his Belvedere and Golden Fury. I am very bad with names but there was an older fellow there with a black Fury 2HT which he had personally driven in from Chicago! Don Mack and his wife trailered in their inpeccable Belvedere from Canada, Will Eichelberg was there with his SF cvt, for a total of six '59s!
I was asked to take lots of pictures, which I did, but I am not sure how to upload them here. I may ty to put them in a KodakShare thing and post the address.
My car performed well enough (no disasters). I failed to check the tranny fluid level before starting this trip, and maybe 100 miles down the road, at a certain speed, a wierd, scary noise would begin. If I slowed down, it would go away. It sounded like a water pump, but once they fail, they fail, right? Mine seems okay.
I checked the tranny fluid level before heading back home, and it didnt register on the dipstick. Remembering experiencing the destruction of Dan Morton's tranny on the way home from Carlisle '07, I added a quart, then another, then most of a third before the level was correct. But the strange noise returned on my drive back home, so I am thinking it is time to drop the tranny pan and clean out the screen. All other problems were minor. It runs very rich (used lots of fuel!), I have to stand on the brake pedal just to slow down, and my electric seat will go up, but not back down! Etc etc.
I will attempt to post pictures soon. Tom Fox took some good group photos, which I am sure he will share in due time.
Next weekend is the Ellensburg (Eastern WA) WPC show, hopefully the bright object in the sky will make an appearance...we've had enough of the clouds and rain. And I promise to wear my black 50th anniv T-shirt this time!
I was asked to take lots of pictures, which I did, but I am not sure how to upload them here. I may ty to put them in a KodakShare thing and post the address.
My car performed well enough (no disasters). I failed to check the tranny fluid level before starting this trip, and maybe 100 miles down the road, at a certain speed, a wierd, scary noise would begin. If I slowed down, it would go away. It sounded like a water pump, but once they fail, they fail, right? Mine seems okay.
I checked the tranny fluid level before heading back home, and it didnt register on the dipstick. Remembering experiencing the destruction of Dan Morton's tranny on the way home from Carlisle '07, I added a quart, then another, then most of a third before the level was correct. But the strange noise returned on my drive back home, so I am thinking it is time to drop the tranny pan and clean out the screen. All other problems were minor. It runs very rich (used lots of fuel!), I have to stand on the brake pedal just to slow down, and my electric seat will go up, but not back down! Etc etc.
I will attempt to post pictures soon. Tom Fox took some good group photos, which I am sure he will share in due time.
Next weekend is the Ellensburg (Eastern WA) WPC show, hopefully the bright object in the sky will make an appearance...we've had enough of the clouds and rain. And I promise to wear my black 50th anniv T-shirt this time!