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Coming up for air

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:08 pm
by Faulkner
Well, the move has happened! Bailey is no longer following me from room to room -- although, I can't get too far away. And I found the spatula and the remote! Life is getting better.

One of my first goals is to improve the living quarters for Faulkner. Here's a pic of the garage:


You can see that there's a non-masonry front end to the garage, that tilts with the apron, which actually starts inside the garage. From garage door to wall is over 17' -- the length of our beloved cars -- but not by much.


I want to: 1) extend the depth of the front end of the garage to about 5 feet, and 2) move the apron entirely outside of the garage, so that the floor inside is entirely flat. The problem is that while I'm raising the level of the base, the roof is sloping down.

The solution, I think (and one I've discussed with contractors) is to cut the overhang back to the roof line above the masonry, and to put a flat roof (with a slight grade for runoff) above the non-masonry front end.

Also, I'm thinking about a 10 or 12 foot garage door instead of the 8 foot that's there now, with perhaps a side door in what will now be a 5' extension. And, I'm thinking of cladding it with fiber-cement siding.

What do you think, guys? Roger, what are you doing this weekend? :D


Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:40 am
by Steve Storey
Glad your getting settled in Dan. Have you considered extending the back of the garage? My garage has a simple box at the back to facilitate larger cars as they evolved from the Model A's to the Sport Furys. Have fun!!

Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:20 am
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Dan, This sounds like a made for HGTV special where we just tear it all down and build the dream garage for 6 vehicles and a club area for all your 59 friends! And with Faulkner on a revolving turnstyle.

Now we just have to find a sympathetic HGTV producer to comply with our wishes....... :lol:

John Q.

Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:42 pm
by Faulkner
Lousy images... But, the front end of my garage is now lopped off. When I get home tonight, I expect the apron to be jackhammered out, and then the pour will happen over the weekend...

Soon Faulkner will be coming home!

Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:02 pm
by Faulkner
These guys are really good at busting up stuff -- let's see how good they are at building stuff...

Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 3:38 am
by Ron Keij
That is a huge garage! Get a good tarp and you'll have room for at least 5 cars :lol:

Oh no! Dumpster not removed

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:40 am
by Faulkner
They were supposed to pick up the dumpster this morning, but they didn't -- and won't, until Monday. Even though these guys were going to wheelbarrow the cement in from the street, the dumpster is completely blocking the drive!

(*sigh*)... Looks like the pour won't happen now until Tuesday.

Ready for the pour...

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:52 pm
by Faulkner
Just, need to get that blasted dumpster out of the way...

Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:39 am
by Dick Koch
Dan - Nice garage, are you going to extend the garage out further? If not and you have the room I suggest a covered extension so you can pamper Faulkner in the shade. That's the one thing I wish I had done and thats put one on the front of my garage. For all the sanding, washing etc. I have to do I have to move outside to hold down the dust inside which can be daunting.

Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:43 am
by Faulkner
Hey, that's a great idea, Dick! Perhaps when my wallet recovers :oops: The house has hot water gas heat, no vents -- and I'm putting in central A/C. (Not a big a unit as you require, of course :D ) It's a forced air system, and it's going, set me back a bit.


Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:57 am
by rogerh
I just discovered this thread. Construction, demolition, I love it. With the front torn off, That is one nice looking garage, with windows this time, Dan!
Not quite sure what they look out at, but some gauzy curtains will take care of any problems.
By looks of the slab-to-be, you are adding six feet to the front of the garage. A flat roof on this addition, tying into the existing pitched roof, hopefully can be done with "style and taste"...hoping it doesnt end up looking like a commercial building in your otherwise bucolic surroundings. I myself prefer suburban living over urban, so I am thrilled for your new "crib".
How did you get the aerial shot? From your house? (do you really have to "look" at the neighbors' swimming pool?)
Ah, central A/C. Yes, lots of $ required to add a complete ducting system thruout the house, but I remember those Philly summers...definitely a necessity.

Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:04 am
by rogerh
Just wanted to say I hope you can afford to have the existing hipped roof design extended to meet your new dimensions. ANything else is gonna look like "an addition". But I know the reality of budgets and available dollars . :)

Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:54 am
by Faulkner
Roger wrote:How did you get the aerial shot? From your house? (do you really have to "look" at the neighbors' swimming pool?)
Yes, it's from my window -- and what you're looking at, is my swimming pool. The one in which we're going to rehabilitate John Quinn's shoulder, by having him do handstands :D Although, my neighbor has a pool too (he's the one who's doing the construction!).
Roger wrote:Ah, central A/C. Yes, lots of $ required to add a complete ducting system thruout the house, but I remember those Philly summers...definitely a necessity.

Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself -- it's hard to think of it that way right now with a chill in the air, but come July, it will be sweltering.

There will actually be two systems -- a forced air for the second and third floor, and a conventional for the first. The latter's efficiency qualifies me for a $1500 tax credit, so that's something. You really ought to come out and inspect it, Roger!
Roger wrote:Just wanted to say I hope you can afford to have the existing hipped roof design extended to meet your new dimensions. ANything else is gonna look like "an addition". But I know the reality of budgets and available dollars . :)
You got that right. Between the garage, the A/C, and the car I'm going to need to buy (yup -- the '89 Acclaim is less reliable than Faulkner), I'm pretty much tapped out. Not that there aren't plenty of additions in the neighborhood! But this one will be tastefully finished with fiber-cement siding, and painted to match the house doors.


Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:45 pm
by desoto59
hello dan, great house and a big garage for faulkner
how are you i hope fine ,i go to france on holiday
mayby i go next jear to you and carlisle white ron?
if he dont maint?greats andre :

Re: Coming up for air

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:50 pm
by Faulkner
You and your wife are welcome anytime, Andre!
