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WPC National Meet in Sacramento - July 22-25, 2009
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:27 pm
by Faulkner
Tom Fox attended the 2009 Walter P Chrysler National Meet near Sacramento, and shot these pix. Enjoy!
Next year in Carlisle, Tom...
Re: WPC National Meet in Sacramento
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:47 pm
by tomf
Actually I am planning on attending Carlise next year. Merle Wolfer is bringing his 60 Dodge convertible for the l960 fifty year anniversary. I will ride shotgun this time in Merle's 3500 Ram diesel with my trailer. We hope to attend the 2010 WPC national meet in Dayton OH on the same trip.
Re: WPC National Meet in Sacramento
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:47 pm
by Faulkner
tomf wrote:Actually I am planning on attending Carlise next year. Merle Wolfer is bringing his 60 Dodge convertible for the 1960 fifty year anniversary. I will ride shotgun this time in Merle's 3500 Ram diesel with my trailer. We hope to attend the 2010 WPC national meet in Dayton OH on the same trip.
Well, I guess we already know who's going to win the "Best of '60" class, then!