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shift cable, air cleaner

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 7:34 am
by Faulkner
Daniel Tunell from Sweden writes:
soon my plymouth is ready for the roads but i have a big problem, my shift cable (transmission gear cabel, if you understand) is broken. i have looked on ebay and found one for 1500 SEK(swedes money), but i want to hear from you first, if you maybe have one used or if you know anyone that has one.

and one last thing, do you know of any original aircleaner for the 361? very hard to find, right?
I presume Daniel is asking about a Torqueflite shift cable -- it seems to me I recall something about this on the Imperial website. Anyone have advice for Daniel? Or, about where to get repro air cleaners for the 361?


Re: shift cable, air cleaner

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 12:06 am
by rogerh
I don't know anybody doing repro's on Golden Commando aircleaners.
I have some shift cables here, but seems there is a company that will make you any cable you want...only problem now is finding that company link!

Re: shift cable, air cleaner

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 8:40 pm
Golden commando air cleaners in 59? any way The chrysler 300 club has many of the aircleaners re-popped and are very nice with a matching price. The 395 aircleaner may be redone in Colorado If a minum number of orders are met, also not cheap. I will check if I have a early shift cable. I need to know which ... torque flite or power flite?

Re: shift cable, air cleaner

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:35 am
by Ron Keij
rogerh wrote:I don't know anybody doing repro's on Golden Commando aircleaners.
I have some shift cables here, but seems there is a company that will make you any cable you want...only problem now is finding that company link!
Here's the link: ... 0Parts.htm

Not cheap but it is a new made to fit cable.
