I am probably replying too soon and without enough practical information, but it seems ot me our tanks are not rear-fill as pictured, rather they are side-fill. I have an excellent used tank, purchased from Big M, that I will sell to a needy party...
Re: Repro gas tanks from Vans Auto!
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:12 am
by Faulkner
rogerh wrote:I am probably replying too soon and without enough practical information, but it seems ot me our tanks are not rear-fill as pictured, rather they are side-fill.
Isn't that the front of the tank, Roger? Where the float goes? Isn't that the filler hole in the fore, to the right?
Re: Repro gas tanks from Vans Auto!
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:21 am
by Ron Keij
I think Dan is right, looks to me like you are looking in the hole where the float goes in. Btw Vansauto is also making the fuel sending unit now. I've seen it on Ebay for $90.
Re: Repro gas tanks from Vans Auto!
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:09 pm
by Matthew Keij
These are correct
The hole you see is for the float thingy, on the right side on the tank on the pic you see the filler hole