John (Big M), Here are some pictures of my convert. I took pics of the passenger and drives side leading edge of the inner wheel well hump. Hopefully it encompasses what are you need me to take measurements of.
Now, Only being in the 59 Plymouth world for 4 years, I thought the extra Convertible X "frame to body" outrigging was the one that goes just under the seat frame reinforcement plate that is on the underside of the floor body, mine are rusty, but you can see a square (sorta square) support that goes down from the seat frame extra support bracket and picks up this extra bracing from the frame to support the floor seat area, thereby giving it some extra rigidity to body.There is one more support that spans to the X frame point too that is different from a HT.
Well Instead of guessing I looked in the 57-58 Plymouth Service manual and on page 136 and 137 they show that there is two extra bracing points on each side of an convertible (4 total) that is not on the HT version. One inboard and one outboard of the outer frame logitudital to give extra strength to the Convert body shell. Look at the convert frame dimensions (page 137) and you will see that at the location point that is from the front part of the frame 72 25/32 inch and the 77 23/32 inch point of the frame layout the special convertible support points.
Hope that helps, I will take measurements of any part for you to fab up. If you can circle the area I will take better closer pictures of it.
John Q.
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:10 pm
by big m
I'm slowly getting back to work on the car, I've completed the fabrication of the right rear wheelhouse, and derusted it. Now, the wheelhouse is fitted, and tacked into place. Final welding will be a later step, after all parts are adjusted for fit.The rear section will need lots of cleanup work, welding up small holes, and of course, grinding to ensure a good fit.
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:23 pm
by matty
Flippin heck that cars in more bits than mine!
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:52 pm
by Dick Koch
Damn John Q. - I thought my car was a mess, compared to yours mine is a piece of cake. I really admire you for taking on such a project. As roger said about my car, I don't know if I would do it. Wish you all the luck in the world. When you finish it maybe we should meet in Nawlins and get some Seafood Gumbo and a Roast Beef Po Boy Samich, after all we will need to build our strength back up.
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:52 pm
by rogerh
Hey John Fwolie,
I am happy to see a new post from you. I know winter time is slow for all of us.
Sure, your convertible is a MAJOR project, but you have never allowed that you were intimidated by the job, therefore I am sure you can make this one come together.
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:27 pm
by big m
The weather this weekend was not conducive to any outdoor activities, so I labored away on Rusty some more.
After cleaning up any of the mating surfaces, I located the lead seam where the front will be connected to. Heat from a brazing torch made the lead flow out, and I drilled out the spotwelds.
I found a short crack in the metal beneath, so I brazed it up while it is apart. The brazing process also will kill any live rust.The procesws was repeated on the donor body, no surprises were found.Going together- This took two people to position onto the body. Slug-[Rodger] was a big help here. The rear corners were brazed [as per factory] and a series of clamps kept the body alignment in check.
Mig welding the drilled out spotwelds, these will later be ground off flush. One problem I ran into was that the driver's side quarter panel wanted to moilcan inwards when the top seam was pinched together, after much consideration, I remembered the RH quarter on the original convertible had taken a hit at one time, and was tweaked. I found a bit of secondary damage on the deck panel, where the metal was pushed upwards. A bit of hammer and dolly work allowed it to settle back into place, and the left quarter panel no longer wanted to contract. Thank goodness!
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:20 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
John, great work on mating the two cars together and saving a valuable convert. Your attention to detail will pay off.
Dick, the interior of my car (other then the floors) just had surface patenia that all has been neutralized and removed. Not as bad as you think it is. (I hope....)
My Bad, this is John Fowlie's thread. I will take a time out for my bad manners!
John Q.
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:01 am
by Dick Koch
John Q - Somehow I confused your and John Fowlies projects. Sorry. Good luck to you both. Wish I had a convertible.
no matter what condition.
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:18 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Ok Dick, I will take you off of the block I had you on inter-club correspondace
I had to go to take a look at my car and figure out what you did not like about it.. I can stop going to therapy.... LOL
John F. Keep on with your restoration progres pictures. It is inspiring to see what can be brought back.
John Q
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:34 am
by Steve Storey
Great work John Fowlie. Makes me feel guilty for whining about my little brake job.
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:31 am
by big m
I finished positioning and welding the stands and braces, these will just need a final grinding, to be done once the body is assembled and on a rotisserie. Looks like things are lining up the way they should, so it will be on to the next step.
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:38 am
by big m
This is what I had to make for both sides. These are drains for the convertible top well, they channel the water away from the upholstered surfaces in the rear seat area. The one shown here is from the driver's side. The passenger side one was non-existent!
I fabricated a new one using measurements from the remainder of the old one, as well as the '59 DeSoto's parked nearby-A mirror image piece was made for the passenger side-Here I am fitting the left one on to the piece that will be welded to the convertible frame assembly. I used brass rod to fasten these, as the original piece they would be welded to was weakened by rust, but not bad enough to redo. Welding with a mig would probably burn through-
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:57 am
by big m
I got the left side quarter window frame and supports completed. Spent two hours just to determine where the main support runner that holds the vertical window guide in place situated. The DeSoto uses different quarter windows, so it was of little help here. Luckily I saved the remains of the quarters I had cut off long ago, hopefully my measurements are correct here.
This is the main vertical support, the bottom had just a bit left, and thepiece it fastened too was pretty far gone. I removed the 2-door hardtop window stop, as the mount for the support would need to go in its place.This is the remains of the mount base, not much to go by, but enoughI made a new piece for the vertical support, with slotted holes for the adjustment, and welded it on to the support-This is the new mounting base, I have it spot welded in place.The upper piece of the support is now tacked into the quarter panel-The assembled support is now finally in place-This is the rear piece that connects the inner quarter window frame to the front of the wheelwell. Pretty well rusted away-Rusted remnants of pieces that are replaced by better metal, including the door jamb itself.Inner brace- this one will be reused as it is undamaged, spot welds behind it needed to be accessed, so it was removed-The inner quarter window frame, ready for reinstallation-The rear piece, along with a replacement I made, it's hard to tell in the photos, but this piece requires a strange compound curve, and is stamped from the factory. I used blacksmithing techniques to get a replacement piece fairly close-The panel is now in place-
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:06 pm
by Ron Keij
John, your skills are truly amazing
I am impressed by your progress, making a car out of nothing but some parts that are hardly recognizable
Hats of to you.
Re: Getting a start on the convertible project
Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 11:09 am
by big m
I got the passenger side all rebuilt and installed, no need to show a ton of photos, since it was similar to the work on the driver's side. Coming soon, the 'Big Dip' experiment.