Its not a "Dodge",its a "Plymouth"!

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Its not a "Dodge",its a "Plymouth"!

Post by Nighthawk »

Guys,do you ever have ppl refer to your Plymouth as a Dodge??
I get that every so often ppl will say to me "hows your Dodge running?" or "you brought your Dodge tonight instead of your Chev"
I always answer "its not a Dodge,its a Plymouth!!"
Any Chrysler car ive ever owned have been Plymouths and ppl seem to always want to call them Dodges,i wonder if that had anything to do with Chrysler doing away with the Plymouth name?
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Post by Faulkner »

I dunno about dodge. I get a lot of "what year BelAir is that?" Ron Keij recently did a wedding where folks asked him about his Caddy. (*sigh*) I guess being an orphan has its ups and downs...

"If it's new, Plymouth's got it!"

Post by mrtester »

Nighthawk, are you aware of the Canadian Dodges that Chrysler was producing at that time? They were Plymouths with the front end of the U. S. Dodge bolted on them. Chrysler had some real bizzare cut-and-paste car models to sell to countries outside of the USA during the late 50s and early 60s.

Post by Guest »

that was my first thought...Canadian Dodges had Plymouth rear ends, confusing the public at large
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Post by Nighthawk »

Im aware of that they made some "Plodges" as they were known,but even when i had my 82 Reliant people would call it a Dodge,and the same thing happened when i had a 65 Fury 1 back in around 1975 or so,by that time Plymouth and Dodge here in Canada (and in the US too) shared a similar body style and interior,but the front and rear end sheet metal was different,i guess it maybe is just how ppl view Chevs and GMC trucks, alot of time they will refer to them all as Chevs!
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Post by Nighthawk »

Faulkner wrote:I dunno about dodge. I get a lot of "what year BelAir is that?" Ron Keij recently did a wedding where folks asked him about his Caddy. (*sigh*) I guess being an orphan has its ups and downs...

Ive been asked that too Dan,in my case they think it says BelAir where it says Belvedere!!

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Post by forwardlooklunatic »

i have always gotten the same. i think it's because right before Plymouth's demise, Dodge was more popular. I know i have heard the term "Dodge Duster" on TV several times before, too.
bought my grandma a ball of steel wool and she's knitting me a foreign car.
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