Roger Howard and Tom Fox recently attended another show, this time in Ellensburg. These are Roger's pix -- I'll leave it to him and Tom to provide commentary.
My 13-yr old daughter Rhianna wanted to go to a car show whith her dad, so here she is, in pic 1 and 2, posing in front of a gas station-turned-vintage diner, where we all had dinner one early evening. It was sunny, in the low 80's, and really windy each day!
The coasting drag race consisted of accelarating from a dead start about 20 yards and as your front tires crossed a flat fire hose, which you could feel, you put the car in neutral, and without using any brakes, coast for 100 yards. The winner was the car that would come to a stop the closest to the finish line fire hose, after the rear wheels had crossed. It was a women who won and did it on her one and only try with a two inch measurement.
I wanted to explain this because the photo of me in a race shows me way behind, but my competitor overshot the finish line about fifty yards and I stopped with the rear wheels against the back side of the hose. Not a win overall but I sure beat that heat!
It was a hoot to participate and harder that it looks to judge how much speed to start with. Kinda like curling I guess....
Tom made several attempts in this competition, and was seen by all throwing open his doors against the wind in a vain attempt to slow his car down so as not to overshoot the finish line!
Other contestants did the same, also swerving back and forth, one person even dragged his foot on the pavement! It was all in fun of course.
I am sorry I did not mention, or get a photo of Tom's best effort. It obviously was a very difficult goal to achieve. As I heard it, the woman who got best score hadn't driven her husband's car (a '56 Adventurer convertible) in over six years! The crowd loved it.
Last edited by rogerh on Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.