Oil Pan - remove

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Oil Pan - remove

Post by sportfury1959 »

Folks, it sounds stupid but I set myself check matt. I tried to remove the oil pan because the gasket is leaking, but with the engine installed the oil pan won't slip out. The front cross member is in the way so the engine must be lifted a little. Problem - I don't find a safe place where I can place the jack. A cherry picker is not available. Does anybody know how it works?
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Re: Oil Pan - remove

Post by Faulkner »

sportfury1959 wrote:Folks, it sounds stupid but I set myself check matt. I tried to remove the oil pan because the gasket is leaking, but with the engine installed the oil pan won't slip out. The front cross member is in the way so the engine must be lifted a little. Problem - I don't find a safe place where I can place the jack. A cherry picker is not available. Does anybody know how it works?
Stefan, do you have a shop manual? I'll take a look in mine tonight, and see what it says... I'm also going to post your inquiry to the mailing list, maybe someone there has some thoughts.

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Post by Faulkner »


Here's what Ed Eckerson has to say:
-----Original Message-----
From: eddee [mailto:eddee@optonline.net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:18 PM
To: Dan Morton
Subject: Re: [59plymouth] Advice about removing an oil pan

OUCH--It is NOT easy doing the pan gasket period!!

YOU MUST lift the engine off the mounts---and be careful you dont scrunch the destrib cap (assuming its a POLY) while you do it.

Undo both motor mount nuts so that the engine will rise very easily.
Put a hydralic jack (somehow using wood as shims and spacers) against the bottom of the harmonic balancer
THIS IS NOT the best place in the world to exert this force,,but as long as the rubber in it is still good it will work.

You may have to undo the hoses if you lift it a lot.
Just be ready to get really yucky and filthy getting the new gasket in.

To keep the new pan gasket in place,,,use string to tie it hole for hole onto the pan.
Thread up all the bolts and then cut and yank out the string before you tighten

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Post by Faulkner »

And this just in from Hans Mertens:
-----Original Message-----
From: Hans mertens [mailto:hajopake@wanadoo.nl]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:56 PM
To: Dan Morton
Subject: Re: [59plymouth] Advice about removing an oil pan

Maybe he can try lifting with a jack with a piece wood under the pulley. I did this a year ago with my Savoy. He must remove the bolts from the engine studs and than place the jack and the piece of wood under the pully and lift the engine. Regards Hans.
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Oil pan remove

Post by sportfury1959 »

Thanks Ed and Hans,

The pulley is in very good shape and I am afraid to mess it up. So I guess I’ll remove the radiator and the pulley than put a jack under the bolt of the crankshaft pulley. Of course after loosening the motor bolts.

I hope it works!

Stefan :?
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