Power Steering Seal

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Power Steering Seal

Post by sportfury1959 »

In the beginning it was only a few trop on to floor, than every year it became a little worse. Now I don’t have no chance anymore and the Fury is grounded. What is the problem? The seal on the bottom of the Power Steering unit is worn out and every morning there is a big puddle under the car. I have read years ago, that there is a way to remove the old seal without removing the steering rod and a special tool (puller) is required. Does anybody know how to remove this seal and at first of all does anybody know where I could get a new one? Thanks to All!

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Post by Faulkner »


I've not yet had to replace my seal -- still, it seems to me I've read something about how to do this on the Forward Look Network. Here's a URL on the topic:

http://www.google.com/custom?q=power+st ... rdlook.net

There's 4 pages of discussion, I hope you find some helpful information. If its a matter of getting parts stateside, let me know if I can help.


Power Steering Seal

Post by sportfury »

Thanks Dan,

I appreciate that offer and will come back to if I can't get it here in Europe!

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Post by Faulkner »

Stefan, how did you make out with your power steering leak? Were you able to get it fixed?

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Post by sportfury1959 »

Hi Dan,

I still have some other repairs to do and therefore the PS-Unit is still in the car.
If I can’t find an original seal I’ll buy the next smaller size of a new seal in the local shop and make a distance ring with a thread on the turning lathe. The seal is than placed in the distance ring and not in the PS-Unit. The good thing about it is that if it happens again I just have to remove the ring and the seal is out.
Although we have a very good autumn here in Portugal, I guess the SF is off roads for a longer time now. I’ll keep you informed!

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