Denver 59 Fin Convert wrote:Ron will be styling now! They are gorgeous! 1959 Bumper Bling! Dutch Style!
John Q.
Before you know it they'll be on the car. Today we made another step towards completion, all parts are painted except for the front valance now. Below are the pics of the preparation this morning, the movies of the painting are being converted right now and will be on line soon.
After a little while she is finally back home We took her to the shop 2008-11-29 and just got her home again. But it has been worth the waiting and money, a great job done by the shop. Now it is time to put her back together again, only 35 days left before inspection
The last pictures in front of the shopReady to goBack where she belongs!
She is home againFirst thing to do was the rubber at fuel fillerFuel filler area doneIsn't this shiny? Notice the Fury in the reflection of the hood lipTrunk logo and fin trim also mountedHood is also done, note the owner in the backgroundV8 muscles! Golden V is on the car again 8)
Must say that everything is polished first before it is going on to the car.
Car must be done before Dan arrives, hopefully we can make it