Caveat Emptor

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Caveat Emptor

Post by Faulkner »

Tom mentioned his experience with trying to connect with Robert Doucet, who claims to have a motherlode of parts his father collected, before he passed: ... 5873#p5873

I mention Robert's name here, because of an experience I had with him this afternoon.

Robert claimed to have a NOS '59 Sport Fury steering wheel, still in the original wrapping, one his father had stored in the rafters of the garage; one of several, in fact, that he had -- but the rest had been sold, he had but one left. He agreed that he would sell it to me for $600 (!).

Enroute to Myrtle Beach from Ohio, he agreed to meet me on the PA Turnpike at the Downingtown exit, an hour or two out of his way. He left his wife at a motel in Carlisle while he drove east to meet me coming west. We got off the turnpike at the same time, and he recognized me -- and signaled me to follow him to a side road where we pulled off.

After a lot of folderol -- those who met him at Carlisle, know he does like to "go on" -- he tried to sell me a horn ring that was very beat up, but inseparable from the steering wheel, he claimed; which should have been my first clue. By the time he cut away the last piece of duct tape from the blanket covering the steering wheel, I was more than ready. And then I saw it.

OK; so, it was in fact one piece, without cracks. And despite the paint on the non-clear parts, it was solid. But, it was solid amber; and, it was full of nicks and scratches. And in places, the chrome beneath the plastic was rusty -- even the clear plasticless chrome ring already on Faulkner is not rusty.

I was astonished that he was trying to represent this as "New Old Stock". It was obvious that it was the mate to the horn ring he wanted me to buy, and that it had been on his father's car for some time before he replaced it with the '60 wheel that is now there. Whether he had in fact any other '59 wheels and had sold them, I don't know; but this was no NOS wheel.

I told him, no deal. I at first told him he had misrepresented the condition of the wheel -- he said that the scratches could be polished out, and the "other people he had sold wheels had never complained". As he grew increasingly agitated and insulting, I told him that he had in fact lied to me. He told me that I had "hustled him" to come these many miles out of his way, and I saw that there was no point in further discussion. He said that "If I ever see your car again at Carlisle, I will seriously f*** it up. And that's from my mouth" (And, that's a quote). Having received a threat against my car, I now worried about a tire iron to the head -- and as he threw the blanket back in his truck cab, I hopped in the Scion and floored it. Fortunately, the light was green and I was eastbound on the Turnpike without seeing him again.

Not that my cell didn't ring 12 times on the way home. I never answered, and he never left a message; but if he does, it will be digitized for posterity. I can only imagine what it will say.

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Re: Caveat Emptor

Post by Ron Keij »

Faulkner wrote:As he grew increasingly agitated and insulting, I told him that he had in fact lied to me. He told me that I had "hustled him" to come these many miles out of his way, and I saw that there was no point in further discussion. He said that "If I ever see your car again at Carlisle, I will seriously f*** it up. And that's from my mouth" (And, that's a quote). Having received a threat against my car, I now worried about a tire iron to the head -- and as he threw the blanket back in his truck cab, I hopped in the Scion and floored it. Fortunately, the light was green and I was eastbound on the Turnpike without seeing him again.

Not that my cell didn't ring 12 times on the way home. I never answered, and he never left a message; but if he does, it will be digitized for posterity. I can only imagine what it will say.

Maybe he should sell this wheel to my "friends" from Michigan, Great lakes NOS :( But he'd better stay away from Carlisle next year, unless he wants to know what "Furyous" means.

I'll contact my friends from Canada for you and I know they will be more reasonable in price and attitude.

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Re: Caveat Emptor

Post by Faulkner »

Ron Keij wrote: But he'd better stay away from Carlisle next year, unless he wants to know what "Furyous" means.

I'll contact my friends from Canada for you and I know they will be more reasonable in price and attitude.

Thanks for your support, Ron. And knowing your Canadian friends, I am sure about both the price and the attitude. But at this point, I think I'm going to do the wise thing, and do what you did -- have mine recast. I have a Plymouth wheel from Roger to hang on Faulkner while it's being redone; a good winter project.

Yesterday I said:
Not that my cell didn't ring 12 times on the way home. I never answered, and he never left a message; but if he does, it will be digitized for posterity. I can only imagine what it will say.
Well, I don't have to leave anything to the imagination now. He finally did leave a message, a very incriminating one. I'm sure the police will be very interested to hear it, should anything come of his threats. Listen if you dare -- it's full of profanity.

It's surprising he was able to run a background check on me in between the Downington and Carlisle exits of the turnpike! Somehow, he missed the wife abuse and the animal torture... :roll:


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Re: Caveat Emptor

Post by rogerh »

uh, dan, that is really the most frightening thing I have ever heard.
I can think of ways to end this, but sorry to say I don't know those kinds of people.
I had one Email barrage, from the man who sold that Belvedere cvr to Tom Fox. He was upset with me, but it went away. I hope this does for you too.
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Re: Caveat Emptor

Post by rogerh »

But you wanted to konw about recating steering wheels.
Vic Barone has just sent two wheels to Koch's to be re-cast. If you throw yours in t er, perhaps teh price will dro pa bit for all. Contact Vic for details
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Re: Caveat Emptor

Post by Faulkner »

rogerh wrote:But you wanted to konw about recating steering wheels.
Vic Barone has just sent two wheels to Koch's to be re-cast. If you throw yours in t er, perhaps teh price will dro pa bit for all. Contact Vic for details
Yes, Roger, I was on the phone with them yesterday -- not only do they recast the wheel, but they do their best to repair the vinyl center. And the price is...


I' ve heard good things about them. I'm waiting now on a decent chrome horn ring I bought from John Mahaffey -- when it arrives, I'll ship the two horn rings and the wheel to Koch's, with instructions to move the vinyl from one ring to the other.

Also, last night I removed the horn ring and the nut -- looks like I need a steering wheel puller, with bolts that fit those two holes close to the center. I think I have one in the basement, will rummage around tonight...

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Re: Caveat Emptor

Post by rogerh »

yes, that is what is required.
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Re: Caveat Emptor

Post by Nighthawk »

rogerh wrote:uh, dan, that is really the most frightening thing I have ever heard.
Id report this guy right away, hes got serious problems and needs help before he loses it and causes physical harm to anyone (if he hasnt already)

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Re: Caveat Emptor

Post by rogerh »

I agree with you, yet who do you complain to and what good will it really do? That guy who shot and killed all those people at the college reportedly acted wierd for years, but acting wierd is not a crime. Threatening someone IS an actionable offense.
As I said before, some people shouldnt be given the latitude, but then I don't know those who might 'eliminate' the problem.
It isn't a good idea for me to put these notions down in print. Yes, there are ways to alter that man's life via the computer...but again, I am not the type who would follow thru on either concept.
I will say no more on this topic.
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