i went to change the thermostat in batmobile today, got tired of little/no heat. i discovered that the thermostat stuck open due to the supporting wire in the upper hose dissentigrated and lodged itself perfectly into the thermotat opening. also discovered my housing is severely rusted
. not enough material to put hose on with. does anyone have a housing, know of one, or know anything that might replace it? it is the 230 f-6 by the way. i've got one oredered at work, for like year, but V8, clocked different but maybe it will work. sooner the better, she's down until i can find parts. --jeremy[/b]

There will be no bringing her back here, I'm selling this sh**hole and buying me a condo.
thanx roger. will try to find that oe one. i did find one that will get me by for now though. had it in my shop even. i just had to unbury the '70 340 and it still had on one there, different design, short and straight up, but it worked.
my heater worked good for a day.
once it heated up nicely, i guessed it popped my heater core. now i can't turn it on, fogs me out inside, i leave it on and it fogs up my windshield outside as it mists out the cowl vent. looks like i'll have to bypass it, back with no heat.
i put some stop leak in this evening, maybe, just maybe, it will plug it enough to get me by so i can keep my heater working. --jeremy

There will be no bringing her back here, I'm selling this sh**hole and buying me a condo.