Hello Dan,
I believe I have the skinny piece of stainless for the door. I will check. How is the project convertible coming along?
Do you have any further plans regarding the car auction?
I know you are a man of few words, via the computer, anyway.
Dan, I found the piece you want. It is in great shape..absolutely straight.
I tried to attach a picture of it, but couldn't figure it out, so I sent the pic to Dan Morton-hopefully he can post it. [pic now attached -- Dan]
Since you are parting out the wagon, tell us... is the radiator core support in good shape? How about a front "air scoop" under the front bumper?
sorry guys been real busy yes want that peice of stainless the auction has been canceled to to getting paperwork on all the autos for sale new date coming up the wagon is all complete have never bothered to check for airinduction peice will look monday when get back to shop
whats the price on the stainless peice will send mony ,the core support and valance are rusted and been wrecked but looking at buying another wagon in the area for parts need a good pair of fenders for my sports fury the wagon i have had good chrome bezels around headlights but has lots of rust around that area do they make a headlight aftermarket metal peice as i seen with the 58 chevys that i could weld in there
I may have fized my horns, so another way to get this trim is to send $70 plus $10 shipping to
Roger Howard
POBox 1525
Ortinig, WA 98360
Include your shipping address, please.