steering column-to dash trim/collar
steering column-to dash trim/collar
i have a quick question to ask: on my steering column, there used to be a collar/trim that covers the gap around the column as it goes through the dash. i'm sure this was plastic as mine is long gone, screws r still there, and u can kinda see the silouete on the dash paint, but that's it. how hard r these to find? the sun was not kind to the softer materials on batmobile. --j
There will be no bringing her back here, I'm selling this sh**hole and buying me a condo.
i was hoping that the extra hot climate is what did mine in. guess i will try to find one. maybe the guy i spoke to about the windshield still my have it being a eastern car. i'll find out eventually, hopefully before he get rid of the rustbucket. thanks for the info roger, just wanted to know if i find one if i should jump on it. l8terz --j
There will be no bringing her back here, I'm selling this sh**hole and buying me a condo.