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... the following:
OK, one comment: I think this has implications for more than just our hobby. The article's a year old; oil is now at $70 a barrel.
OK, one comment: I think this has implications for more than just our hobby. The article's a year old; oil is now at $70 a barrel.
"If it's new, Plymouth's got it!"
cheap gas will probably never be again. i remember when i was a lad, i remember seeing gas $.99 a gallon, i'm not that old, it just has gone up a lot in the past 10 years or so. i know it is possible to make artifical fuel to replace fossil fuels. what i don't know is what quality it is. i know it is hard to make, and the first time i heard of it being made was by the germans in ww2. so if we start losing oil, y can't we subtitute or use synthetic fuels as an additive? another reason oil is so expensive is the US has had to tap into some of it's reserve because of the aftermath of katrina. saw on tv a while back katrina totally destroyed 100+ oil rigs in the gulf. i hope the gas prices come back down to a reasonable rate soon, i just paid $2.73 at the pump a few days ago. --jeremy
There will be no bringing her back here, I'm selling this sh**hole and buying me a condo.