my car
my car
i think i finally found out how to post pics, we will find out shortly. this is a poloroid i took in the summer of '04 she is still sitting pretty much in the same location, the was a 89 tempo in front, it was sold so the '59 was moved in its spot. i tried to start it in late june of this year (first time since feb. '04) when i was visiting, charged the battery, put my temp gas tank back in the back floorboard (one gallon tank, afraid of vandals, so it was removed). she would only run with starting fluid, guess the carb gummed up, did not have the time or tools to fiddle with it. i rebuilt the carb right before i moved, but could never get carb to prime. just purchased a repop owner's manual, and it says not to pump, just to open the trottle half way to start. i will try this, but i think my prob might be the pitting around the little plunger, when i go back i will find out and get her running again. i remember a couple of days after i purchased the car, one of my ex's dad came by, to see my dad, but i soon as he walked up, he look straight at my dad and asked:"who's batmoblie"? my dad responded and said it was mine, his face just kinda straightened out(was a smile). haha good times, good times...

There will be no bringing her back here, I'm selling this sh**hole and buying me a condo.
thanks for posting the picture!
sorry you can't get it to run on its own.
If you don't get a spritz of gas into the carb throat each time you step on the gas pedal (or move the linkage), then it is probable your accelerator pump is shot. These often fail when a carb sits for a while..the little boot gets stuck to the side of the carb and tears, or simply dries out and is no good anymore. However, a car will run at idle without a functional accel pump, if the fuel pump is still good and there is gasoline in the tank. Since it ran on starting fluid, the following could be wrong 1) your fuel pump lost it's "prime"..I've fixed this by disconnecting the fuel line at the carb, attaching a funnel to the line and pouring gas back down the line. This might prime the pump. 2) If the line back to the tank is dry, well, you might try attaching a manually operated pump to the line to draw fuel from the tank up the line. 3) if all that fails to start the car, your float inside the carb may be stuck.
So the car is in OK and you are in CA? Are you in the military?
sorry you can't get it to run on its own.
If you don't get a spritz of gas into the carb throat each time you step on the gas pedal (or move the linkage), then it is probable your accelerator pump is shot. These often fail when a carb sits for a while..the little boot gets stuck to the side of the carb and tears, or simply dries out and is no good anymore. However, a car will run at idle without a functional accel pump, if the fuel pump is still good and there is gasoline in the tank. Since it ran on starting fluid, the following could be wrong 1) your fuel pump lost it's "prime"..I've fixed this by disconnecting the fuel line at the carb, attaching a funnel to the line and pouring gas back down the line. This might prime the pump. 2) If the line back to the tank is dry, well, you might try attaching a manually operated pump to the line to draw fuel from the tank up the line. 3) if all that fails to start the car, your float inside the carb may be stuck.
So the car is in OK and you are in CA? Are you in the military?
not in the military, had to move....uhhh...kinda long story. let's just say the boys in blue were "looking" for me.
it had an aftermarket electric fuel pump on it when i purchased it, it seems to work fine. i put a kit in the carb and it had no affect on it (at least with the priming issue). the inside of the pump housing was pitted, would this give me this prob? i was reading my repair manual and it has an adjustment, i might try that. other than just getting it to prime, it ran fine, no hesitation. when the temp fuel tank was removed, it let air get into the line and i'm sure the float is stuck now, i was not planning to move at all, it caught me by suprise, so i was unable to properly prep the car 4 storage.--jeremy

There will be no bringing her back here, I'm selling this sh**hole and buying me a condo.
more than I wanted to know, for sure. We had an Oklahoman employee skip town w/ wife and baby..we think he was AWOL and trying to start a new life. His in-laws said he was in line to go to Iraq.
You might try a gravity feed for your temporary fuel tank, if only to get it running again. A boat fuel tank with the squeezebulb there for priming might work well. Yes, scored accel pump walls will definitely render the pump useless, much like your brake cylinders. You could try to hone the walls smooth, but if that doesnt work, you may have to get another carb. whaddya got- a 2 bbl Carter?
You might try a gravity feed for your temporary fuel tank, if only to get it running again. A boat fuel tank with the squeezebulb there for priming might work well. Yes, scored accel pump walls will definitely render the pump useless, much like your brake cylinders. You could try to hone the walls smooth, but if that doesnt work, you may have to get another carb. whaddya got- a 2 bbl Carter?