my under coating is going to be removed one way or another, but not sure easiest method. it's flaking off in parts, stuck in other(naturally the hardest to scrape-wheel wells). do i just have to dig in with scraper? i plan on buying inexpensive sand blaster to do the paint stripping. what media should i use for paint? is acid dipping the best way to remove undercoating? would like to do everything in garage myself and money is also an issue.
There will be no bringing her back here, I'm selling this sh**hole and buying me a condo.
One method that works quite well, is to use a small propane torch to lightly heat the surface, and the undercoat will soften or liquefy to where a light scrape with a putty knife will take most off. After all the heavy stuff is removed, mineral spirits or solvent can dissolve the rest. I don't recommend gasoline or lacquer thinner due to the risk of an explosion.---John
In rust we trust!
I used a stripper called Blue Lightning, (mailorder from California, but I got mine at the swap meets), rubber gloves and other protective gear and lots of fresh air. It was a laborious process. The Blue Lightning goes on with spraybottle (dissolved a few sprayers in the process) and "cleans up" with water.. I don't know if I would do it that way again however. The torch idea is fine, if you are careful to not start fires or breathe the fumes.