buckles and door panel end caps

Hey, I've got this part. Interested in buying it?
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buckles and door panel end caps

Post by Faulkner »

Benny Buckner has a friend who makes the seat and door buckles out of stainless steel. He *might* make the end caps for the Sport Fury doors, but he needs a template - Dick Koch is going to take a stab at making one for me to send to Benny.

Benny says the buckles will be in the range of $15-$20; no price yet on the end caps, or if they will get made. But we will try!

I need a full set for my doors, so I plan to order. Benny will get made as many as are needed, so let me know soon!
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Re: buckles and door panel end caps

Post by PlumGr8SRT8 »

I need one of the seat buckles, pretty much the only interior piece i am missing "i think"
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Re: buckles and door panel end caps

Post by Faulkner »

I'm signed up with Benny for four - I had hoped to use them on my door panels - but it turns out, I may not be able to use them :cry: I hope to check in with my upholsterer tomorrow, I will let you know.
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Re: buckles and door panel end caps

Post by PlumGr8SRT8 »

Thanks. I am in no hurry i have a long way to go before i am even getting to interior, but i do know that the buckle that goes on the seat, i am missing one. I would even be interested in a complete set of i guess 8? If they won't perfectly match the old stock ones, then 8 of the same would do.
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Re: buckles and door panel end caps

Post by Faulkner »

Well, the good news is my upholsterer thinks he can duplicate the Sport Fury car door panel by sewing the pieces together before he puts on the panel; the original pieces were actually sewn through the cardboard, and his sewing machine doesn't have the room to maneuver the panel without hitting the frame of the sewing machine while stitching in order to be able to do that. My end of the bargain will be to duplicate the cardboard piece that forms the "boomerang" on the panel, times two. I bet he's able to do it - and so, my buckles won't be available. That's the bad news for you, Aaron.

But if and when you want to order a set yourself, Benny Buckner can deliver - his contact information is on his website. Good luck to you!
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