Turn signal problem

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Turn signal problem

Post by vanguy16 »

Hello everyone.

Have this issue where left turn cancels too quickly, right works well.

I have attached videos showing that the cam puts pressure on the finger with the spring, but the finger doesn't spring, it just hits the cam and cancels.

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Re: Turn signal problem

Post by Faulkner »

Mike, unfortunately the shop manual is silent on this score. The best advice I can offer, is to take it apart and see if you can find something worn or broken. The good thing is, you can compare left to right. e.g., is the tension on the one spring more than the other? Are nubs worn on one side more than the other?

It's easy to disassemble - you can rent (for free, usually) a steering wheel puller from AutoZone or the like. Those screw holes on either side of the nut is where you bolt the puller on - back the crown nut off, reverse it (to protect it from spreading), bolt on the puller and give it a few cranks. The wheel should wiggle off, and then you can get down to business. Take lots of pix as you disassemble; ask me how I know :roll:

If you do indeed find something needs replacing, Ed Spiegel at Antique Mopar is a good source for "New Old Stock" (NOS - sitting on the shelf since manufacture). Actually, Len Dawson might be a good bet too, he's near you in Anacortes, WA.
"If it's new, Plymouth's got it!"
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