Hazard / emergency flashers

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Hazard / emergency flashers

Post by vanguy16 »


Has anyone added four way flashers to thier babies?
I want to. Figure a relay and switch and having to tap in or splice into all 4 corners ?
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Re: Hazard / emergency flashers

Post by Faulkner »

I'm putting one in my '54 Suburban. It's a vintage aftermarket, it has a separate flasher and a bulb/lens to indicate it's in operation. When I rewired the dash, I put four plug connectors on the turn signal wires (L/R, F/B) for the flasher.

Why the relay? If you press the brake or leave the turn signal on, those functions will compete with the hazards - but, it doesn't cause a short; there's bulb resistance in the pathways regardless.
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Re: Hazard / emergency flashers


Mid 60's Dodge trucks and pick ups had an interesting add in four way flasher system that could be easily added. used these many times being they were were switch, flasher and wiring harness together.
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Re: Hazard / emergency flashers

Post by Matthew Keij »

I have a set for my 59 and my dads. Frank made a copy of the 60 flasher package and it should work fine.

I remember the correct parts were not super easy to find
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Re: Hazard / emergency flashers


Went out to an old cars parts and storage, found this gem; a four way flasher system complete, from a 1966 D200. These used to take me about 20 minutes to recover and re-attach the wiring, embarrassed to let you know what it actually took me today. We mentioned these earlier in this thread.
Post Script; She has a 1962 part number?
4 Way flasher from D200.jpg
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