Plastic strips for headliners found in Dodge Caravans?

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Plastic strips for headliners found in Dodge Caravans?

Post by skyhawk61 »

I've read on the forums here that some years of Dodge Caravans use plastic strips to secure their headliners, and that these strips will substitute for the factory pieces that hold up the headliners in 59 Plymouth hardtops. Every time I go to the salvage yards, I check all the Dodge Caravans for these, but, so far, I've been unable to find any. In what year Caravans were these strips used? Thanks. Dennis
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Re: Plastic strips for headliners found in Dodge Caravans?

Post by Faulkner »

Dennis, I'm not sure of the year - but, here's information about the part number if you want to order new from the dealer:


Here's my experience in using them - of course, your mileage may vary:


Good luck!
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Re: Plastic strips for headliners found in Dodge Caravans?

Post by skyhawk61 »

Thanks for the part number, Dan. I'll see if I can get my friendly Dodge dealer to cross reference it for me. Surely there are some of these things in the local Pik-A-Part. Dennis
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Re: Plastic strips for headliners found in Dodge Caravans?

Post by schlaaj »

I just returned from my local Chrysler Dealer and gave him the molding strips number L830HW6 mid roof 23-23-7. These strips, it was said, could be used in place of the original strips securing the outer pieces of the hardboard headliner with the center piece. The guy in the parts department here in Kentucky looked up that L830HW6 number and said those strips were discontinued back in 2008. Luckily, my original strips are still good. It appears the only place to get these strips is out of a Caravan sitting in a junk yard if you are lucky. Just for everyone's information.
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Re: Plastic strips for headliners found in Dodge Caravans?

Post by schlaaj »

Those substitute headliner strips that can be used in the 59 sport fury are not found in the Chrysler Caravan's as I first thought. They are to be found in the full size dodge and plymouth vans that have headliners. Often referred to as Chrysler Part Number L830HW6, were used in full size vans from 1986 - 1993 - body styles "B" & "AB". My Chrysler Parts man said the Chrysler Part Number is no longer available and has been discontinued since for the past five or so years. So, if you go searching in junk yards look in full size vans not the Caravans. Fortunately, it turned out for me that my existing headliner strips were still re-usable. (I was prepared to start visiting various auto salvage yards. )

Regards. Art Schlachter
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