I am looking to redo the headliner in my 59 Sport Fury and in reading earlier post on this subject the last post on headliners was about 5-8 years ago.
#1: Ceiling insulation - Dick Koch suggested back then using 2 x4 ft suspended ceiling material insulation and glue it to the underside the roof. (One would peal off the white surface first) Well those 2 x 4 ceiling squares are no longer available and I have a had trouble finding some good used pieces. A local company that does vintage interior work suggested using the sound deadener material that is used on flooring under the carpet as ceiling insulator and sound deadener. I am wondering if this is suitable to used for ceiling insulation ? Type adhesive for securing insulation to metal roof
would be 3M - Black (Yellow adhesive is not as good)
#2: How is the center cardboard section secured to the new insulation ? I would think something like Velcro would be used, between the face of the insulation and the back side of the center headline to keep it from sagging but the insulation material is not suitable for sticking Velcro to. I guess
one could stick Velcro to the sound deadener if that is used. I am a bit confused on this issue.
#3: Repainting the headliner. There are a couple of surface scrape marks caused by the sunvisor over the years. I am thinking if I get the three sections out of the car, I might try light sanding and painting all three sections before re-installation. Can these original panels be spray painted or
do I need to replace them. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Art Schlachter
Danville, Ky
schlaaj wrote: ↑Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:00 am
I am looking to redo the headliner in my 59 Sport Fury and in reading earlier post on this subject the last post on headliners was about 5-8 years ago.
#1: Ceiling insulation - Dick Koch suggested back then using 2 x4 ft suspended ceiling material insulation and glue it to the underside the roof. (One would peal off the white surface first) Well those 2 x 4 ceiling squares are no longer available and I have a had trouble finding some good used pieces. A local company that does vintage interior work suggested using the sound deadener material that is used on flooring under the carpet as ceiling insulator and sound deadener. I am wondering if this is suitable to used for ceiling insulation ? Type adhesive for securing insulation to metal roof would be 3M - Black (Yellow adhesive is not as good)
I used 3M adhesive spray for the ceiling tiles, but X-Mat has it's own adhesive right on the squares - you just peel off the paper backing and stick in place.
schlaaj wrote: ↑Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:00 am
#2: How is the center cardboard section secured to the new insulation ? I would think something like Velcro would be used, between the face of the insulation and the back side of the center headline to keep it from sagging but the insulation material is not suitable for sticking Velcro to. I guess one could stick Velcro to the sound deadener if that is used. I am a bit confused on this issue.
The cardboard is held in place with the center strips - it doesn't have to adhere to the insulation. In fact, that would be a problem.
schlaaj wrote: ↑Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:00 am
#3: Repainting the headliner. There are a couple of surface scrape marks caused by the sunvisor over the years. I am thinking if I get the three sections out of the car, I might try light sanding and painting all three sections before re-installation. Can these original panels be spray painted or do I need to replace them.
I spray painted mine - but, it's peeling in spots. If I do it over, I will redo with a rubberized paint.
schlaaj wrote: ↑Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:00 am
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Art Schlachter
Danville, Ky
Thanks for the prompt reply - I will do some checking on that insulation material. Good suggestion on rubberized type paint. I wish I was comfortable
with placing photo's on this site. I see an "image" feature above that that I thought would allow me to go to my photo files and select the photo, but
when click on it the word "image" appears in my message instead of telling me to select from my files. Note: did you see the 1959 Ply Sport Fury on the Hemmings web site being sold by Blackhawk in California ? Asking $100,000 for it. A bit high but a perfect car. Thanks, Art
In my question #2 regarding what holds the center headliner up against the insulation, the reply was to let the side strips hold it in place. (don't even consider a "velcro" type holding option). The center piece side strips are what is presently holding my headliner up albeit some sagging present. By removing the headliner, installing new insulation and then putting the headliner back, (as it is presently), does nothing toward eliminating the sagging
problem. It seems to me that one would have to do something over-and-above just re-installing the headliner back the way it is now, to eliminate the sagging. I am a retired manufacturing engineer and can't get my arms wrapped around what will change by removing and re-installing my headliner. There's got to be an answer to this someplace and I can't find it. I am 75 years old and maybe Alzhiemers is setting in. Regards to all. Art S.
I called two different Home Depot stores and they do not handle the Armstrong Fiberglass Ceiling Panels. I gave them Internet #203328948, Model 403A, Store SKU 509748. They could not identify this ceiling panel. So I suspect it is no longer available. I checked with my local Lowe's store also and no luck. I think the manufacturer may have discontinued the Fiberglass type Ceiling Panels in favor of a panel that looks like compressed asbestos materials and that is what everyone is selling today. (It is probably not asbestos material but looks like that type of stuff) I have looked all over for an old building that might have these Fiberglass Ceiling Panels where I could salvage a few panels - but no luck. Over the years I have seen these Fiberglass type panels used everywhere, but today they just don't seem to exist anymore. I wish this world wasn't moving so fast at throwing out the old and bringing in the new - cars included.
The car upholstery people will be starting on fixing my sagging center section on the 59 Sport Fury within the next two weeks. They say they will remove the center piece and glue a stiffener material on the back side to get it back to it's original flat condition. Then they will then repaint before re-installing. I am concerned about the two strips that join the headliner sections together. My existing joining strips look pretty good, but I will caution them to take care in removing them as they may be a little on the brittle side from years of service. Replacement strips (if needed) are not available. Local MOPAR dealership said the headliner joining strips that were once used on the caravans and have been successfully used on the 59 Fury headliners been discontinued for several years now. On The-Forward-Look web site there is a guy who goes by the name "Andy 1974" (under the topic "headliners) who lives in Germany and has made small batches of substitute strips that will work. They are made from Grey PVC and would have to be painted or chromed. I have tried to contact him to see if I could get a pair of these strips. (I would keep a set on the shelf if my existing ones can still be used) He has not responded as of 27 Nov 2019. I will keep my fingers crossed that my old attaching strips are still useable. I am also checking into 3/16" thick - 4ft x 8 ft sheets of white ABS with textured surface on one side in case the rework (re-stiffening) on the center headliner piece doesn't work.
Hi Art, I haven't tried this stuff myself, but I remember Dave Stragand (The Forward Look Network) recommending it. It's chrome foil with an adhesive back.
Great to know should I obtain a set of the PVC - Grey strips from this guy in Germany. I will keep this in my hip pocket. There are always more ways to accomplish a repair - just have to search out ideas. Sometimes the search can be just as much fun as getting getting and installing the parts.
This web site is a God-send to 59 Plymouth owner's.
I finally got my sagging center section headliner fixed by a local shop. I was very nervous because I had not done business with this shop and was
uncertain of the young owner's ability. The new shop was recommended to me by an upholstery shop I had done business with in another town. I decided to give them a shot at it and they did a nice job. Upon removing the center section we discovered that this center section apparantly had been repainted in-place inside the car by one of the previous owners as the upholster showed me the chrome strips had paint on the edges where they connect with the liner. Who ever did this painting had did a good job as I never noticed this in the seven years I have owned my fury. With the sagged center section out and on the work table the upholsterer glued a piece of ABS plastic sheeting onto it's back side to hold
the headliner flat and to add additional stiffness to better hold itself in-place when re-installed. He also repainted the center section to eliminate sun visor swing marks that were visable on the forward end of the headliner. Also done some straitening of the roof rail that the chrome mounting pieces snapped onto. So now I am very happy to have this headliner fixed back the way it was when the car was built.
Because headliners and chrome center strips are very hard to come by in today's market, even after I turned the project over to the upholstery shop
I alway tend to look for an alternative way to repair my headliner problem should the existing headliner piece be unserviceable or the mounting strips
break or crack during removal -- just in case. In earlier post, it was suggested that if the center mounting strips needed replacing, that headliner mounting strips that were used on Chrysler Vans have been used successfully as substitutes on the 59 Plymouth headliners. The replacement MOPAR part number L830HW6 was for locating these substitute strips. My local Chrysler Parts man did a nation-wide search for any of these strips that might be in stock at a dealership around the country and could find none. He also told me that part number has been discontinued for the past five years. In one of the older "posts' regarding these substitute strips, I assumed incorrectly that the Chrysler Vans were the mini-vans. In fact the vans were full size vans that had these headliner strips. If someone in the future needs to hunt down a pair of these strips in a junk yard, be aware that you should be looking for Model Years 1986 - 1993 "B" & "AB" body Vans with headliners. Lucky for me, my strips were re-usable on my 59.
It's great to hear your success story, Art. It would also be great to see pix! If you have difficulty in posting them, send them to me and I'll be happy to in this thread.
I am going to try and insert photo's of the headliner work. The first photo shows the sagging condition of the liner (person who did the work said
it was on the verge of dropping in it's sagged condition. The second photo show the Sun Visor that were in rough shape. (I believer they were the originals from factory) The third photo shows the center headliner re-installed along with the Visor's having been recovered also. He spray painted
the center headliner while out of the car to cover the Visor swing marks.
(I think I figured out how to get photo's into the system)
Regards, Art Schlachter