I'm gonna call tomorrow, Matthew, to try and find out how many '59 Plymouths registered (hopefully, all under 59Plymouth.Net). I'm also going to lobby for a dedicated space in the Forward Look area - we'll see how that goes
I just spoke to Ed Buczeskie, Carlisle Event Manager. So far for 59Plymouth.Net, he has vehicle registrations for:
Gary Bitner
Jack Fleury
Dick Koch
Ken Morton
John Quinn
Dan Morton
...and we know John's car won't be there. Only 5 so far! I've got to check in with Earl Hess, but his email has been disconnected, and I haven't been able to reach him by phone...
Mark Merritt, have you registered yet?
At any rate, I asked Ed if he could arrange a spot where we could all park together. I told him about the banners, and he said that would be cool! He can arrange to give us a spot, but it's here (previous attendees will recognize this as the area for 55-61 vehicles, and this as the survivors tent):
Should we go for our own spot, on the other side of Building R, 100 feet from the other cars? Or do we take our chances on being able to play musical cars, and finding room together in this area? I have to let Ed know by noon tomorrow - he expected to complete the layout by tonight! Cast your vote NOW!!
Your dad has an opinion - park with the Forward Look, and play musical cars. I'm inclined to agree - especially, since we are one fewer now. Ken Morton has decided not to attend
Hi, Dan and crew. Sorry to be waffle man about the arrival date/time. I'm still waiting for final confirmation from my client in Tampa about the the event on July 11. If it's still on, I'll see you on Friday afternoon. If not, I'll be able to come in on Thursday. Appreciate your room sharing offer, Dan. May take you up on it, depending on what nearby rooms are available, or not, when I finally know when I'll be able to arrive. Hope to know for sure sometime next week.
I'll be taking the Belvy out for a spin on the Ohio Turnpike this afternoon, as a warm up drive for Carlisle. It's a beautiful day here and she should get lots of looks out on the highway. Got my new AAA card, just in case. Keep your fingers crossed that I won't be needing it.
Gary, this is seared in my brain, on a return from Carlisle in 2006 with the Keijs... Don't let it be you!! A transmission failure, less than 10 miles from home. Somehow, we made it within 10 feet of the garage and pushed it in...
Hope all went well! And yes, let me know as soon as you can about sharing the room. I have one other prospective candidate, but you have dibs.
A bit of good news today! I found Earl Hess' phone number, and gave him a call. He'll be bringing a '59 on Saturday - and, if he can sign up his brother-in-law, both will make an appearance!!
Guys, all went well on my weekend Belvy treks around town and out on the highway. A clunky suspension noise front right turned out to be an old shock, so a new set will go in next week. Should also ease a bit of "floating" issue I noticed. I am in need of a set of rear brake drums, in case you guys have any ideas about where I might find them. The car is driveable as is, but the rear drums do need to be replaced. Also, Dan, still no word yet on my arrival date, but go ahead and offer the room to your other traveler-in-need. I am most likely to crash with my cousins in H'burg.