Back with an AC question

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Back with an AC question

Post by PlumGr8SRT8 »

I did some searching, found a couple threads and had a couple questions. Kind of seems like factory AC was more rare on the cars, with most options being the installation on an under dash AC unit. What did the factory AC panel look like? And are any available?
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Matthew Keij
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Re: Back with an AC question

Post by Matthew Keij »

Factory A/C used the normal push buttons (had different buttons).

I’ll take some pics of the vert today!
July 14th 2019 “the soul crusher”
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Re: Back with an AC question

Post by Matthew Keij »

Here are some pics of the vert with A/C compared to stuff from my dads hardtop with hot water heater.
The gas heater was totally different under the hood.

I have the plate for a car without the options somewhere. Just has room for 2 buttons (off and defrost I guess) and the ignition switch.

Firewall on an A/C car is different then a car with a heater.
Underdash A/C parts are different from a car with heater too. Even the A/C switch in the dash (later ones) is a 3 speed fan
A/C push buttons
Standard heater buttons
A/C firewall box
Standard heater box
A/C dash vents
Standard dash vents
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Re: Back with an AC question

Post by PlumGr8SRT8 »

Awesome thanks for the pics. So, as far as the panel goes, they are all the same 5 button layout? So does MC mean medium cold and FC mean full cold? Then defrost and heat?
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Re: Back with an AC question

Post by Matthew Keij »

Layout is the same. This A/C stuff is hard to find these days!

Buttons are:
Off - well, you know!
MC - Maximum cooling
FC - fresh air cooling
DEF - defrost
H - heater
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Re: Back with an AC question

Post by william0431 »

As Matthew will tell you, a complete factory A/C set up is tough to piece together if not dang near impossible. They were very rare on Plymouths. I had an easier time finding power windows to put that in perspective lol. According to my price booklet, Factory A/C was a $500.00 option when new! extremely pricey in 1959 dollars. Keep in mind the whole car depending on model before options cost about $2,200.00. If they had A/C most were under dash A/C set ups installed by the dealer at a fraction of the cost. I spent several months trying to track down a complete set up but gave up :( So many little parts and the totally different fire wall make it tough. Unless you find a car with a complete A/C set up you can use, piecing one together is pretty tough.

For Jade (my green SF), I got a really cool period correct under dash unit out of a 57 Cadillac (it was aftermarket even back then so I don't feel too bad about it coming out of a GM car).
Last edited by william0431 on Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Back with an AC question

Post by william0431 »

Here is a Sport Fury that is for sale right now in Montana that has an underdash unit, I think its a MARKIV unit. Also pictured is an under dash unit I have seen in a number of 59 Plymouth's. I have seen it in a few Savoy's, and a belvedere. This was for sale on etsy of all places. They were called Frigiking made by a company called Frigikar, I have seen a lot of the Frigikar trunk A/C units in late 50's Chryslers and read some where they wereone of the main suppliers of A/C components to MoPar. Last year I had a chance to buy one of these complete A/C set up's from a 59 Plymouth Savoy in Kansas but as bad luck would have it I lost the guys number for about two months and by the time I found it again he had sold the car.

Also, here is the Vornado unit I got off ebay. I am going to have refurbished and install it in Jade :D
Sport Fury with underdash A/C
Sport Fury A/C compressor on Golden Commando 395
The unit I am going to put in my SF
This was for sale on etsy, I belive it's the same as I have seen in a few 59 Plymouth's.
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Matthew Keij
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Re: Back with an AC question

Post by Matthew Keij »

Also some of the A/C stuff from a 318 is different then the 361. Makes it even harder to find!

I recently found a set of spare vents and dash buttons that I bought immediately when I saw them. Spare A/C parts are always good!
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Re: Back with an AC question

Post by PlumGr8SRT8 »

Lots of good info there. Since i am not doing a restoration, i have a little more freedom in what i want to do. But may also want to keep it "somewhat" authentic looking. Was looking at some under dash kits that would fit with what i am looking to do. Guess i was looking into a way to use the stock controls to control it. I have a couple ideas, but thats part is still a little ways away so we shall see. Plenty of time haha
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