Manitoba, CA - May 1, 2005

Been to any good car shows lately? Got pix? Share your story!
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Manitoba, CA - May 1, 2005

Post by Faulkner »


Curt writes, "Last weekend [5/1/05] we had our first show of the year. Our Fury won best MOPAR and Classic Ride awards. It was pretty amazing to win two awards, but then they had a draw for a custom painted flaming bar fridge, guess who won? Ya you're right. Then there was a draw for a complete universal wiring harness, won that too. I forgot to mention the custom painted blue flaming toilet seat lid, won it too. Every car that won an award received a Mothers car pail, that included chrome polish, aluminum polish and a variety of other products probably worth 75.00 cdn. Then to top it all off the chairman of the 'World of Wheels' personally invited us to have our car in the show next march at the winnipeg convention centre, by far the biggest show in Manitoba.


I have attached a few pics from the show, they are not too good because we had to have the trunk and hood open for the duration of the show in order to be judged (3 days). There were 102 cars at this show, two indoor arenas full of cars.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the summer, but how can we top this weekend?"

Here's how you top it!

Curt says, "We entered our second show yesterday [June 13] for 2005 -- in Dugald, Manitoba, about 10 miles east of Winnipeg. There were about 100 or so cars, and it was a perfect day. We ended up winning best of '48 thru '59 class, and the 'fan favorite award'".

And from a more recent outing: "We were at a car show at the garden city shopping centre for the fabulous 50's ford club in Winnipeg. The turn out was great, over 1000 cars showed up. We have a few friends with earlier and later model fury's and we were able to all park together for the first time. Attached you will find a few pictures showing a '57 suburban, '58 fury, our '59 fury and a '60 fury. These shots show the superior styling of the '59."


No argument there, Curt! With those fabulous fins canted forward, the only Plymouth fins to do so... Superior indeed, and a superior specimen!
"If it's new, Plymouth's got it!"
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