Mark Evans - Granby, CT, USA (former owner)

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Mark Evans - Granby, CT, USA (former owner)

Post by Faulkner »


Mark's gorgeous Sport Fury has been sold, but the new owner has not yet been identified. If anyone knows of its new ownership, please let me know! -Dan

Mark writes, "I finally got around to find some photos of my Sport Fury. It's a very nice driver with a 318 and 2x4 carbs that was restored about five years ago. I bought it sight unseen through a friend at the Hershey auction. I have been looking for a one forever. I could not let this one go by. I have just started to correct items or have deteriorated over time.

My Sport Fury story goes like this: My father was a car guy and so when my older brother needed a car, he went and bought one that he wanted. It was a 1959 White Sport Fury with a 361 engine. It was owned by the son of the local Chrysler- Plymouth dealer that was a friend. It was equipped with 2X4 barrel carburetors, I don't know if the dealer put them on for his son. But I did witness this setup on the car in 1960. My father requested that they take them all off before he would buy the car, it would be fast for his sons driving.

One year later my brother decided to join the Air Force. The car got parked in the garage waiting for a 15 year-old brother -- Lucky ME! Of course I started taking care of the car and even promised to get good grades in school. I took my driving test in a New England nor'easter snowstorm with full snow chains on the Sport Fury. It was fun parallel parking during my test.

I proceeded to drive the Fury to high-school, giving rides to the best looking girls and winning every drag race against Chevys and Fords.I also collected 9points on my license in 2 years! I went off to college and the Fury was sold and never to be seen again. I do have the original dealer invoice.

So I guess it was natural for me to want to drive the coolest car ever again!"

"If it's new, Plymouth's got it!"
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