Gallery style is getting closer...

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Gallery style is getting closer...

Post by Faulkner »

If you're interested in what I've been up to, go here to the test environment and check it out: ... 177#p20177

You shouldn't have to log in, but you can, using your 59forum username and password - it's the same.

I have several goals here:
  • Create a gallery style - instead of putting thumbnails vertically, put them in row after row;
  • Make the gallery "responsive", in web language - i.e., show as many thumbs in a row that will fit on a device - "respond" to the device width. This comes out to three thumbs on a desktop computer, two on a tablet, and one on a phone;
  • Present the thumbnails with their own border, regardless of whether the poster puts them inline, or not;
  • Present a thumbnail for every type of object - an image, an mp4 movie, an mp3 recording, a pdf (not there yet with the latter);
  • Permit the poster to attach a paragraph of text to a thumb if they want, and inter-mix text and thumbnails throughout their post;
  • Scale the thumbnails to have the same width - even videos. You can always see the full size image by clicking on it, or the full size video by clicking on the "zoom up" control on the video itself;
  • Always create a thumbnail, regardless of the size of the object.
As an example of the last feature, compare this: ... f=8&t=1114

to this:


I think the presentation is much cleaner - I hope you think so too.

As soon as I can create a thumbnail for pdfs, I'll be incorporating these changes in my test environment into the production forum. Then - finally - I can start putting all of the old content from (Ephemera, Showcase, etc. - and, the separate 59gallery) into the forum itself. And then maybe we can generate some traffic around here!

Thanks for your patience. What do you think? You can't reply here, this is an administrative sub-forum - but let me know in the Chat! :D

P.S. - I'm also looking to incorporate a "LightBox" style. You've all seen these on websites - you click on the object and it pops up in a LightBox, and you can scroll left and right through the images, videos, etc. That will take some hacking :roll:
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