Art Schlachter's '59 - Lokar Car Show, Somerset KY September 23, 2016
Art Schlachter's '59 - Lokar Car Show, Somerset KY September 23, 2016
Thanks to Dick Koch for pointing out this video from the Lokar Car Show in Somerset, Kentucky. You can see the full video here, but in the attached I've snipped out the part with Art Schlachter's 1959 Sport Fury. Some of you may remember that this car formerly belonged to the late Robert Hinds. Bob took a look at Faulkner for me when I was thinking about buying it. He was also fond of saying there were only about 100 Sport Furys left in the world! True? Perhaps... Although, they keep seeming to pop up!
From: Robert S Hinds
Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2003 2:52 PM
To: Dan Morton
Subject: Re: David Carroll's '59 Sport Fury
Dear Dan,
I took a look at the Plymouth this morning...
Hope this helps, the car needs a lot of TLC and some money to be a good looking driver, but is a rare car only about 100 are left.
"If it's new, Plymouth's got it!"